Sunday, October 2, 2022

Working on the next newsletter

Spent the early part of the morning finishing up the cleaning I started on Friday after everyone was off to the cottage. The cat and I spent the weekend together and it was a quiet pleasant interlude. At 77 I find that I am very relaxed about life. Waking up in the morning is a wonderful new day and God is in it making it quite perfect. I do not think that God will ever leave us but I also do not believe that He interferes in the flow of our lives. Although I do believe that in the end His vengeance is still there. That is how this world of mine flows actually. As a cog in a huge machine we can do very little to affect how that wheel turns but if we try to live the best life that we can then we help to keep it running smoothly and that is really what life is about making it a smooth curve to live on.  

Church on YouTube today. Even when I am at home I do not go into the City to Church. I thought that I would but I do not; it is so much nicer on YouTube. As an old person I simply do not need the stimulation of people around me; my memories serve me very well in that regard plus I do a lot of writing and my lovely next door neighbours so very very helpful. I didn't really know them very well before Edward passed away as he used to talk to them and I just worked away on my transcription and newsletters.

Starting up the next issue of the Kipp Newsletter (Number 4 and the last for volume 1). As always it is a struggle to work on it. I really would like to get all of his research published and that continues to drive my thinking. I do enjoy my own newsletters more though I must admit. I really do not know any Kipp family members other than Edward's niece so it does seem odd that I would take it on but I feel that he would like me to do this and so I am committed to do what I can. 

A beautiful sunny day today although was just 4 degrees celsius when I got up this morning. A fresh crisp morning is such a treat really.

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