Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Working through the new matches

 One match particularly jumped out at me as it is in the Routledge line. I can always expect these matches to be a little larger than expected as my 3x great grandparents Thomas Routledge and Elizabeth Routledge were second cousins once removed from the Oakshaw Routledge family which had a history of marrying cousins for generations. So a match of 32 cM in a match that is at least fourth cousin four times removed does show a particularly healthy piece of DNA being passed down and I have three matches from several families that are descendant from this earlier couple. 

Is everything suddenly coming to a head in Ukraine? One wonders what is going to happen? We have lived under the threat of nuclear war for so long (all of my life nearly) that it isn't really making the news. It is just stupid to threaten nuclear war; no one gains. Hidden away in your little shelters the devastation will be incredible if the planet doesn't actually explode throwing your shelter into outer space where death will be slow as you slowly use up all that air. 

You listen to what some of these crazies in Russia are saying and we know that these nazis are all out of their minds. Russia attacked a sovereign country that has every right to exist. Russia is in the wrong. You enablers of Russia are all criminals, animals not really fit to walk upon the face of the earth. Peace is what the world wants and all you want is imperialistic plunder which has been gone from our world for a while now. You physically and verbally abuse Ukrainians but they are at least normal homo sapiens not animals like Putin and his enablers.  Go home Russians and get rid of those who send you into battle; we tire of their ignorance for sure.

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