Tuesday, November 1, 2022

All Saints Day

I love All Saints Day and used to go to Church when I was a teenager and miss that little bit of school sometimes. It is a beautiful service; the service for All Saints Day. Knowing that in that great swirl of air around us are the spirits of the great and lesser saints of the Church plus all of one's ancestors is a beautiful thought. Can one communicate with the past? I do not really think so but I do not know that for sure and tend not to question people who have said to have done so. My grandfather firmly believed in the little people and ghosts for sure and did pass on such stories to me. I just do not know. Certainly I can sense what my known ancestors thought about things when I ponder a question in my mind; I may even bring back in my memory items that were said to me but are they communicating with me; that is beyond my comprehension I think. Although I can be a dreamer; my feet are firmly attached to the ground in all instances. 

Today the Kipp Newsletter has been published once again and the next newsletter to work on is for the Pincombe-Pinkham family. This next issue begins a new volume -  Volume 8 - and I often wonder is it telling that this newsletter lives within my personal files whereas the Blake Newsletter lies in my Guild file. Not sure why that happened actually. It was just the way life flowed at the time I set up the file system for Newsletters. I am sad not to be doing my usual writeup for H11 mt DNA haplogroup but I continue abstaining so long as Russia is still invading Ukraine. The Ukrainians do not have time to read it and Russia should go back home where they belong. Save the youth of Russia from being killed in this war as they are being used these days as canon fodder. Especially save the people of Ukraine and in particular their children who are being murdered by the Russians. Glory to Ukraine.

The second cleaning day and it will be an easier one than yesterday as the main floor is extremely straightforward. Then the basement tomorrow and the cleaning week is complete. 

I think I shall work on the DNA today and leave a break before starting the Pincombe Newsletter. Generally I have to do a lot of online reading and my eyes could use a break from that for a few days although they are not actually tired but I am getting old and so take my breaks in a much more rigorous fashion than in my younger days. I may watch a few Netflix shows as well. Probably I will watch the Crown when it is released although do find that they do not see British life as it actually exists but rather through the narrow lens of being an American production. I often wonder why Americans are so enthralled by royalty when they so ruthlessly abandoned it several hundred years ago. But they continue to place some people into that "royalty" element and permit them to do things not permitted to almost all the rest of the people in their population - Donald Trump comes to mind. If he was a less flamboyant person he would have disappeared from their lives long ago but they tend to crave such people for some reason perhaps looking for royalty in their midst. Then they have whining Prince Harry although their adoration does seem to be waning. One does tire of whining for sure especially when it is done simply to increase one's riches without any regard for consequences or does he want to be King is that why he is doing all of this; his desire to be King. He thinks he would be a better King but his actions prove quite the contrary actually. Better people than he have been King of England and didn't do any whining; they just accepted the life that existed and ran with it because duty was more important to them. How nice to be just ordinary for sure. 

On to the day; breakfast completed and work to do. .

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