Saturday, November 12, 2022

Bible Reading - Luke 18:1-8

I am just quoting the last line which I try to avoid doing but I did find it to especially be poignant in this time - But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?

What is the Church? To me the Church is the administrative arm of the duty that Jesus left us all with when he ascended into the Heavens. We must care for people; all peoples. We must love our neighbour as ourselves. Our duties were clearly set out by Jesus. If we do not follow these teachings what kind of a world will we have? Russia has shown us the kind of world that they think we should have but they are clearly wrong. How do we fix all of this? First of all, Russia must pay for the rebuilding of Ukraine - they destroyed it; they should pay to have it rebuilt and there is plenty of their money outside of Russia that can be used for that purpose. I do not think any of us in the so-called democracies want to see an end to Russia. Certainly we have hoped that Russia would become a much kinder place to her peoples and that they would succeed. Europe especially welcomed their export of raw materials. The leaders of Russia have not chosen wisely; they are greedy and they use any means to express that greed in particular the invasion lately of Ukraine where they have committed horrible atrocities. 

Yesterday was a good research day. I had a great time working my way through Chromosome 20 and was quite satisfied with the phasing that I was able to do on my paternal great grandparents. The maternal great grandparents I could look at again as I do have some good ethnicity work that would aid me with my maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother separating them into their four lines. But for the moment I have moved on to Chromosome 19  which was a treasure to do although again I only did work on my paternal grandfather's line with rephasing. The matches that I have for the other three are good but finding the limits proved a task too far and will look at that again today. I decided to move on to Chromosome 18 and redid the initial phasing with the new matches. On both Chromosome 19 and 18 I have one very small section that is ambiguous between two siblings although completely perfect when comparing the rest with the 23 and Me comparison chart that I created. The ambiguity is interesting and as of yet I do not have any matches that particularly occur in these two distinct small areas. That may come one of these days. Today I will look at phasing the great grandparents on Chromosome 18 and have a re-look at Chromosome 19. 

I also need to check for new matches as I have been somewhat delinquent in doing that work the past few weeks. The Pincombe newsletter is next and I am starting to think about that. All in all another good research week and I need to work on Edward's archival boxes to see what is in them. I want to separate out all the Schultz material to give to his cousins when they do a visit to this area. There will be a substantial amount as I have a German Bible from that branch of the family. They emigrated from Mecklenberg - Wilhelmine Fredericka Johanna Nieman in 1849 and Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Schultz in 1866. They were married 25 Dec 1866 in Perth County, Ontario. They lived in villages close by each other one in Schoenbeck, Brohm and the other in Staven so the families did know each other. My children do not have a strong interest in genealogy and so to preserve all of this information I must pass it on to a line that will preserve it for future generations to use if they have an interest. This family has had an annual Schultz Reunion for over fifty years. 

The sky is cloudy and it is somewhat warm still as we experience rain from the latest hurricane in the south. Our temperature will gradually decrease and the rain will eventually turn to a little snow by Monday perhaps. We will not get the heavy snow expected in southwestern Ontario. The hurricane is still strong enough to keep that storm away from us locally. The rain will be marvelous for the grass as it is quite green now but the ground is still somewhat dry. Winter will come suddenly though and we will soon have our usual white cover.

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