Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Cleaning and DNA

 Possibly cleaning is in my DNA - I have cleaned since I was a young age. I used to help my grandmother when I went to stay with her and she was a very strict cleaner. I do not think I come up to the bar that she maintained but do try. 

Working on DNA has been my privilege and I will forever be thankful that my siblings were willing to be tested so that I could have so much fun working on our family history. We have learned so much from all of that testing that my next to me oldest brother and I did through the years. He has passed away now (December 2020) and I will always miss him. We had much in common surprisingly as we did not so much as children. I almost caught up to him in school and that is never a good place to be if you are the younger sibling and a girl. But adulthood and new interests forged a new bond between us those last fifteen years since he first talked about testing DNA. We, Edward and I, had thought about it and did finally test when James Levoy Sorenson first offered this testing. Then we moved on to National Genographic Project testing and Doug asked me about testing DNA. I offered to test him and he was most excited and thus began our mutual interest and a lot of correspondence through the years. Each new test opened up new ideas on our family lines and whenever or where ever I tested myself I would test him as well. We usually met at least once a year and a few years oftener to chat over dinner and breakfast the next morning about our mutual DNA. It will be forever in my memory banks. 

So yesterday did see me back at Chromosome 21 and looking at a set of matches for whom I have no true guide in placing them. Tracing back on one tree leads me in my mind towards my mother's father's side. Today I think I will write to see if I can learn anything more. My initial and continuing reaction looking at the results and the shared matches is that these matches belong to my mother's mother's side but nothing is entirely conclusive. These two short Chromosomes 22 and 21 have always had a few glitches in them because I do not have enough significant matches for all four lines leading back to my grandparents. I do have for a couple of lines in each one but that leaves me with the others. I shall continue with my tree making today. 

Another beautiful sunrise just after I awoke. I do so love the sunrise as long as I can remember. The sudden appearance of our golden globe above the tree line has always warmed my spirit and told me that all is well in the heavens around us. Now we just have to fix the earth which has become strained by our lifestyle. I do believe that God is in the Heavens looking down on us and wondering about this creation that he wrought eons ago long before Homo species existed. The big bang theory continues to dominate my thoughts even in old age. I do so love studying science in all its forms.

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