Thursday, November 10, 2022

Continuing into the intriguing field of great grandparent phasing

Finished all the cleaning, bought the groceries and now the next few days belong to research. I did manage to phase the great grandparent portion of chromosome 21 on my father's side. Elizabeth (Rawlings) Taylor was the predominant match (my paternal grandmother's mother) and several small matches to the Cotterill?? family. I do not actually have any matches there so can not say whether this is correct or not but the other matches end precisely at the same spot for the Rawlings (three of my five siblings). The Blake also broke down into absolutely Blake (MRCA Thomas Blake and Sarah Coleman married 1792 and grandfather to my great grandfather Edward Blake) and likely Knight where I do have matches but not yet investigated so may try to do that once I am finished the phasing. 

The Pincombe and Buller are up in the air at the moment. I had designated these two sets of data based on a match between my third cousin (Buller) and another individual who matched both of us but not triangulated. Hence I am still in thinking mode on these results. I do not have any Pincombe matches on Chromosome 21. 

Both Chromosome 22 and 21 present with small difficulties which I have tried to alleviate with writing to newer matches to see if I am able to resolve. Neither has a positive Pincombe match known to me. 

So I shall move on to Chromosome 20 and see how that goes today. 

I have been corresponding with an Australian cousin where we share a small amount of X chromosome (both my sisters and I match her but it is very small (9 cM) so I am not overly trusting of that although it would point to a Rawlings match because Chromosome 23 is phased and the three of us do not match other than Rawlings in this particular location. A triangulated match with a possible Lywood descendant is uppermost in my mind at the moment as that is my Rawlings line. I have written to that match to see if that can be figured out. 

I like My Heritage but the triangulation does not always work just the way that I think it should. Plus everyone tests differently and my uploaded kit and my actual test kit with them do not always agree with matches that really should be in common but I can understand that as the same points are not always chosen by the different testing companies leading to aberrations in the results. 

Breakfast already completed; I was very hungry and decided to eat first!

Prayers for Ukraine as always. 

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