Friday, November 18, 2022

How has COVID changed the world?

Reading this book by Robert S Gottfried - The Black Death - has definitely opened my eyes to how profound such happenings can be in the world. The effect of the Black Death was enormous but of course it was a more enormous event than COVID or was it? The world was different then sort of like the world of my childhood except even slower for news and events to make it to the breakfast table each day. We live in a world where happenings are current almost the moment they occur anywhere in the world. More than half way through this book now. It is heavy reading but most interesting. Comparing the effect of the Black Death on the world at that time and contrasting it with the effect of COVID which is still ongoing will be a challenge for historians of the future.

Russia desperately wants NATO to engage and will try any sort of language to bring that on taking all that language from Hitler's playbook - trying to blame NATO for the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Russia is trying to overthrow the democratic order where it exists; they picked on Ukraine to try to start a Third World War. Russians wake up; your country is being stolen from you by Putin and his enablers. The promises of the 1917 Revolution have been wiped out by Putin and his enablers. He wastes the human blood of the young men of Russia on a useless war which he created to try to engage NATO and bring China in on the side of Russia. But we do not engage; we help Ukraine and they are winning against a country with four times their population. We will continue to help Ukraine (the incident in Poland shows that they obviously need more up to date equipment) and eventually Russia will be pushed out of Ukraine and the people who do not want to live in Ukraine can go back to Russia if they will not live peacefully in Ukraine. I find it hard to believe that the Russian people as a whole allow Putin and his enablers to steal their country from them and force them into servitude and death on the battlefield. It is just a dictatorship where the only ones who benefit are Putin and his enablers. Young Russian men are dying but it isn't the children of Putin or his enablers. 

Today I want to get into the Pincombe Newsletter and perhaps a little time on phasing my great grandparent's DNA. It is an interesting experiment.

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