Sunday, November 27, 2022

Red sunrise all across the sky

A red sunrise is certainly beautiful but always reminds me of the old adage - Sailors take warning. One of those old sayings that has passed down through the ages I suspect and was a warning of possible bad weather perhaps. Some of these things are deep in my brain likely because my people came from an island nation that depended upon the oceans. 

Another Sunday and Church on You-Tube. We are now into Advent and reminders of Advent past. The church of my youth was less inclined towards a showy service perhaps because a war had just been fought and so many were dead; the numbers were huge and it was a sadness that hung over that generational time. The numbers in Europe and the British Isles were enormous and later in the 60s we learned of the true numbers for Russia. Russia made a heroic stand against the Nazis and will always be remembered for that but Putin and his enablers are spoiling that historical remembrance for Russia. It is a sin against their people when political leaders looking for their own gain think not of their people who have to live with the world for many years after those leaders and their enablers are long gone. 

 A good day of accomplishment yesterday and I completed my set of matches from the clustering option at My Heritage. Just two sets left to do and I have a nice pattern now to follow that wasn't there with the first two. The clustering option is interesting but like other options I deal with it at hand's length soaking up what it has to tell me but relying on my familial knowledge to really judge the results. I have a lot of good matches now with known relatives which is helpful in my pursuit of the phasing of my great grandparents. What will I gain from phasing my great grandparents? I will see into that generation that lived in the earlier part of the 1800s and overlook the heritage that might have come from my paternal grandmother's side of the family where her father is a mystery but her mother well known and also the heritage that comes from my maternal grandmother's mother who has had many stories passed down about her but she died so young at 37 years that a lot of it is stories learned in childhood by my grandmother and her siblings and then remembered years later. I have two sets of stories for her - one from my mother and my grandmother and the other from my great aunt who actually did not know her (she was one when her mother died) but did live with her older brother and sisters and knew the facts from them second hand which in reality did not agree with the first stories that I learned from my mother and my maternal grandmother (but do agree with the records). But I suspect that at some point my grandmother "dressed up" the stories for her daughter and they just continued. Surprisingly she did not look for sympathy from her daughter that after the death of her father she was sent to a Cottage Home to live with her siblings. In retrospect that does rather surprise me to be honest. As she was a very honest woman in her attitude towards life but was not one to look for sympathy. 

On to the day and breakfast whilst I await my Church on You-Tube.

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