Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The choice - The House of Windsor

I do not think King Charles should blame himself for "making" Diana's sons walk behind her coffin in the funeral procession. It is a tradition that the men of the House of Windsor (and Princess Royal Anne has now changed that tradition forever) to follow the coffin of a fallen member of the House of Windsor. True honour was done to Diana that day by all the members of the House of Windsor as well as her brother. Had they not done so, the sons aged 12 and 15, would probably have been bullied by members of the public who adored their mother. The Royal House is a fishbowl for the nation to enjoy. In a way they created that fishbowl allowing the public into their private lives to a certain extent but it was likely to happen anyway given the growth of media during the 20th century. So the choice - follow the coffin in time honoured House of Windsor tradition or not do so and risk bullying which would surely have followed. Personally I wept watching those boys follow their mother's coffin but Diana could have worn her seat belt and survived that crash. If blame gets handed around then one should look at that as well. It is a mother's responsibility when their children are underage to protect herself for them. It is so hard for children to lose a parent in those years - my maternal grandmother is ever in my mind in that regard. She lost her mother at 11 and her father at 14. They were very sorrowing moments in her life and she carried that scar her entire life. Everybody does I suspect that has that sort of an event in their childhood. 

Watched the blood moon eclipse last night from start to full and then fell asleep pretty much. The  beautiful orange moon was clear in a more or less cloudless sky and the stars were magnificent at totality. My front window looked right out at that moon a bit covered by tree branches but visible none the less. I always feel blessed to see such sights. God is in the Heavens and are there surprises out there for us. I often think so but there is always danger as well. Warring on earth does not prepare us for what might come from the Heavens. We weaken ourselves needlessly and all because of Russian greed. Putin and his enablers continue with their ruthless attempts to kill all Ukrainians.

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