Monday, November 7, 2022

The work week begins and it is Monday cleaning day

A crisp morning although already 10 degrees celsius - a lovely November day looks to be our gain for the day. Last night the hydro failed at 17:24 but was restored again at 19:30 about. No idea what happened just nice to have it back again. I have these plans for such things so quickly put that into place and was quite content with my array of flashlights - just one at a time but with differing ability for vision. Very small ones for just sitting there and contemplating when the power will return whilst looking at my smart phone which was still working and stronger ones like a lamp which let me wash the dishes. I had just completed cooking my dinner barely five minutes earlier. It was sort of fun; one can sit and contemplate in the darkness of the night whilst there is no hydro. 

Church on You-Tube with many of my favourite hymns and an interesting sermon. I do enjoy Church on You-Tube. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever go back to regular in-house attendance for Church.  I do love going to Church but for the moment You-Tube fulfills my desire to be there. 

Today is cleaning day and it is the top floor. I have done all the closets that I am going to do so will be a couple of hours only to complete. I want to continue working on phasing my great grandparents and tackled Chromosome 21 a bit yesterday. Although not really done with Chromosome 22, I have written to two matches just to see if I get a response as it might help me to break down the Buller-Taylor lengths into Buller and Taylor. I did have a letter from a Taylor descendant but he has not tested his DNA so do not know if I am 100% correct in the Taylor line that appears to be the one for my maternal grandmother's mother. Likely I know the most in my family about this individual as my grandmother was persuaded on occasion to talk about her mother. She always felt rather sad about her mother as she died of pneumonia at 37 years of age. To her that was such a monumental crisis in her life with which I agreed wholeheartedly but said that the kindest thing to do for her mother was to remember her and tell me about her so that I could share that with my siblings one day. So on occasion we did talk about her mother whom I would say she rather adored. 

Thank you to President Xi for saying that nuclear war should never happen. I do feel that he can most influence Russia to stop their barbaric slaughter in Ukraine of the Ukrainian people and also stop sending the ethnic youth of Russia to this slaughter as well where they are being killed by the hundreds every day because they are unequipped. 

Breakfast is waiting and I am rather hungry today. On to the work week.

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