Monday, November 21, 2022

Waiting for God - British sitcom which ran from 1990 to 1994

Perhaps one of the all time favourites for both Edward and I was a British sitcom which we watched sometime after Edward retired and I do not recall if it was on Netflix or just regular TV channel. That is lost to time but we watched it every week for ages as I recall. We were starting to talk about downsizing so I suspect it was after our youngest daughter married perhaps but again the actual time is lost to me. The show appealed to Edward because it just made retiring to a senior community so appealing. I was intrigued by the title because I often think in terms of our entire lifetime leading us eventually to God and how fascinating that is to contemplate meeting face to face with our Creator. I know for myself, when that happens, I will be very shy with my head bowed down waiting and probably trying to confess all of my sins all at once. The sin of not attending Church in person; the sin of not giving enough and following Jesus' commands there are so many more that I have failed to accomplish thus far in my life although I do try. Mother Teresa showed us the way on earth few can attain her level of devotion. 

Part of my devotion has been the transcription of ancient Church documents which I can share with all the world via my blog. Less so at the moment but the determination is to eventually return to my daily transcription of at least one record (usually wills). I love transcribing wills particularly when it is one of my own lines reading the words of love for Jesus and God in them and knowing that these are my people is the greatest reward of all time. Their gift to me coming down through the ages is my own life and their love of God and Jesus.  

I changed my working week a bit in that I cleaned on Saturday and Sunday and today will be the last cleaning day and the top floor. I wasn't able to clean the basement on Wednesday last because of the internet person coming and so I rearranged the workweek in a better way for me likely as I am going to switch back and forth each week - top to bottom then bottom to top so that I do not have to lug the vacuum up two flights of stairs each week. Should have thought of that earlier but I have always done it the other way. Age does give wisdom one might think. 

Today I hope to do a little on the Pincombe Newsletter but also I will work through another two archival boxes itemizing the contents for future disbursement. I do not intend to keep any original records if that is possible. All of my family original records are with my younger sister as she is keen on genealogy more so than I am - my interest lies in DNA. 

Our snow cover has arrived and will perhaps stay now - it is minus 8 degrees celsius at 6:45 in the morning. But nothing is guaranteed and a flash of warm weather will bring back the grass! But for the moment we are living in our lovely snowy world which is a true pleasure to look out on and enjoy. But surprisingly the crows are still here - generally they abandon us for warmer spots by now. Time will tell but the blue jays are definitely back to enjoy this spell of winter and they will stay until spring beckons them north once again. 

1 comment:

  1. Waiting for God was one of my favourites too. I think it played on TVO, likely also PBS.
