Wednesday, November 2, 2022

When does one become old?

A question popped into my brain this morning. When does one become old? I never thought of my grandparents as old when I was a child. They were busy people with big gardens to manage and their days were spent enjoying the good earth for sure. So when does one become old? Do we let the year dictate that? Does becoming 65 put you in the old category because you stop working although many people stop working at 60 or perhaps 61 and all the way up to 65. Perhaps one shouldn't describe the population over 65 as old but rather just retired from a 9 to 5 work day although my days often feel longer than that as I work away at my computer but it is for my fullfilment and that is the big difference.  It is sort of like being young; people who are young prefer not to be referred to as young either. 

Not the most fundamental discussion in the world for sure. Today will be a DNA day for me once I have cleaned the basement. Just one more short shift of raking in the front yard and a little trimming and a snow fence to put up and my work outside is pretty much done. The rest of the week is mine until Monday rolls around once again and the cleaning part of the week begins. 

I have been listening to the Public Hearings on the use of the Emergency Act. As an Ottawa resident; I was very happy to see the methodical removal of the illegal habitation in our downtown. I am a great believer in the right to protest although I have never attended a protest; these days protests are prone to attract anarchists and these people destroy the principle of public protest. When I do not like something I write a letter. This protest became illegal the second that our bylaws were broken with people from the protest entering the Rideau Centre unmasked (and that was pretty much right at the beginning). From that moment on they were an illegal protest because they were not willing to obey our city laws. There was a lot of leniency granted to them which should not have happened. It will not happen again because the standard has now been set. That convoy spoiled it for any other large group coming to Ottawa because we will now be forever watching them to see if they are going to be an illegal protest instead of regarding what they have to say. We were all tired of masking (I am wearing my mask once again to go out) but it was a necessary part of life at that moment in time. The elderly continue to die from COVID in Canada and this lack of respect for those unable to protect themselves because they are already frail is alarming to put it mildly. For myself, the Liberal government was right to invoke the Emergencies Act and use every means in that Act to get that encampment cleared. Thus far I have not heard anything to make me think otherwise - the discussion with the protestors continues to increase my conviction that this was a protest out of control and needed to be disbanded. If they could not rein in their members then the Emergency Act could and did.

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