Saturday, November 19, 2022

Working on My Heritage Clusters

I did prepare a file from the My Heritage Clusters but I only worked through one of the five sets of data. I decided to look at that whilst I am in the midst of phasing my great grandparents. More as a housekeeping issue rather than expecting anything to suddenly pop out of the woodwork and lead me forward in my quest. It just tidies up a project that I started and did not complete because of the summer gardening event. 

Continuing to read the Black Death by Robert S Gottfried and it illuminates the path that our ancestors followed as they recovered from the Black Death. The effect on commerce at that time was enormous - entire areas that had been under cultivation (food being the prime crop) was lost due to the heavy loss of life. Relating it to COVID and its after effects is probably appropriate because we literally, in the world, shut down - one exception which does show that we have moved past such possibilities in our lives - food kept moving so people were fed. The greatest danger, we can now see, for food deprivation in our time is war. Russia's illegal war against Ukraine caused food deprivation to become and remain a huge issue. They have tried almost everything against the Ukrainian civilian population to defeat Ukraine including the war itself and then when they could not win torture, murder, rape and now destruction of infrastructure. Russia has slipped back into some sort of a medieval age where one simply attacks in a murderous way when one wants something. Putin and his enablers have brought the world closer to nuclear devastation than anything since nuclear war became part of our lives. They have threatened the world with their greed and ignorance. The Russian people need to rise up against these butchers and throw them out. To protect themselves from such greedy dictators, the Russian people should put their nuclear arsenal under international control so that it can never be used as such a threat again. They too would suffer under the usage of such weapons along with the rest of the world.

On to the day and breakfast.

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