Monday, November 28, 2022

Yellow glow in the sky

Sunrise isn't until 7:18 but there is a light yellow glow in the sky perhaps accentuated by the clouds. Just 1 degree celsius although a very small possibly of rain it is only 5% even midday so less likely. Today is cleaning day and the vacuum is already up on the top floor which is nice. Can not think why all these years I have dragged it to the top floor - habit is a huge part of one's life for sure. 

Church on You-Tube included quite a few hymns that are favourites of mine. I love the organ music. I can see that it will be a long time (unless one of my family goes with me) before I am actually in the Church building once again. I just do have this firm opinion about older people driving. First of all they shouldn't go on the highway unaccompanied in my humble opinion unless they are super drivers and can keep up with their good driving of their younger days. If I have company then I can do that but alone I prefer to just stick to the streets with which I am very familiar and the speed limit is considerably lower. I attended Defensive Driving courses when I first got my license years ago and learned one lesson that has always stayed with me. Plan your trip from A to B and do everything possible to make sure that this is an uneventful trip that takes you carefully from point A to point B. It was good advice for a twenty one year old that had never had a driver's license until then. 

Yesterday I got through more than half of the fourth set of data. I eliminate perhaps as much as 50% of the data points because by eye I can not see a value in including them in my data. There were a couple of interesting ones so an effort worth doing for sure. I hope to finish this next set today although cleaning has the first priority. Then just one set left to do. Then get the new matches worked into my database and I can return to phasing my great grandparent's DNA. A very exciting topic for me at the moment is doing this particular phasing. 

Prayers for Ukraine as always. One would think that in eighty plus years countries could learn that war is destructive to the world itself not even counting in all the people who have died or whose lives have changed forever. It is, in this modern era, most ignorant to have to once again see a World War on our horizon.  Only the Russian people can stop this really; Rise up O Russia and rid yourselves of these monsters - Putin and his enablers. They send your sons to their deaths without proper equipment, food or clothing. Their own sons are sitting at home enjoying life. They do not care about the people of Russia; they only care about having more money themselves.

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