Monday, December 26, 2022

15 Wills left to do

I have managed to work my way through all but 15 of the wills for Blake mostly an Enham but a few places closeby as well since descendants of Robert and Nicholas lived in areas around Knights Enham/Kings Enham as the places were known but Knights Enham is now a subdivision in Andover these days.  I hope to finish the wills today and then spend a couple of days preparing the material for the Newsletter with a few thoughts on my part. 

It is truly amazing that we have just these six last days in 2022. So much time has passed since COVID first raised its ugly head in early 2020 and our lives have changed a great deal. This watershed event has resulted in great changes in our world but perhaps the largest is the attention to the world itself as an entity that we must protect. There is a lot of evil in our world but I can never remember really thinking about it before. Russia attacking Ukraine is one of the very big evils in our world - it is positively mediaeval in its style. Another evil is the constant bombardment of the environment which is just as sinful. Both are an enormous danger to our world. The one because it is being led by a greedy psychopath Putin and his enablers and the other because it is a result of industrial neglect for which countries must take some responsibility although the largest emitters have to rein it in or lose our world as we know it. 

As we move towards the end of the year prayers that next year will see a more responsible world respecting Mother Nature and God.

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