Thursday, December 1, 2022

A fresh fall of snow

Snow is back on the first of December. A much welcomed sight for sure and we will have more days of snow ahead for us. Love the snow and it means frozen ground which is always a good thing; my great uncle said that about the trenches during the First World War; frozen ground is so much better especially if you are being taken care of by the local residents who love you and care about you because you are there to help free them from tyranny. 

The solitaire games were much appreciated today. My mind needs a little settling and that will come about as I work away today on my clusters at My Heritage. I am learning a lot about this methodology and I think it has good points and then there are the outliers that fall in just because they are there but not necessarily of a large enough size to be significant or meaningful to a family line. So much of our DNA is just common to everything and it is only parts that are significant to a family line even on chromosomes.  Some of those parts are very stubborn and survive unbroken from one generation to the next. Interesting really DNA and we learn more about it every day. I am beginning to wonder about COVID and its effect on our RNA if any. Time will tell as we slowly but truly pull ourselves away from that debilitating time in our history. For some the debilitation has been greater and does appear to have affected the brain and again time will tell. Perhaps the psychotic state in which some people are was always there and just accentuated by the isolation and not by the virus. 

Really needed the solitaire today must admit; it has a calming influence on me just as playing solitaire as a child did the same. My paternal grandfather, who lived with us, taught me to play quite a few different kinds of solitaire. He also encouraged me to count from a young age and I do not remember the time when he started to push me beyond 20 and 30 and 100 but I was four when I started washing the dishes for what was then a family of eight people - I needed to be on a chair to reach way down into that ceramic sink and clean everything. But he sat beside me on a chair and encouraged me to count each dish as I washed it and there were a lot of dishes. I can remember him helping me when I got stuck on a number. It did take me a while to do all those dishes and I know my older sister found that counting to be a dreadful experience but it was probably good to settle my brain. 

I opened the drapes just before sunrise and there was a whitish glow in the sky which was probably telling me that snow was coming - not like a summer sunrise with its bright and sunny promise to the day but more of a quiet winter glow that still has lots of promise especially for those close to home and family. Winter is a time to be home, certainly not in the trenches in an illegal war against Ukraine, getting ready for the birth of Christ once again as we celebrate through the ages this gift of God to us. 

On to breakfast and I am starving for sure - I ate dinner at noon yesterday (a frozen dinner that I prepared a bit ago) and then beans on toast and cheese at supper one of my favourite comfort foods that I enjoy especially in the winter months.

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