Saturday, December 17, 2022

And the snowstorm continues with amazing views from my work window

Woke up to a beautiful scene outside of my workroom window. Snow is beautiful - treacherous for sure but beautiful none the less. I took a picture but I am always forgetting the screening on the window and so the picture is full of fine wire and does not do justice to the beauty of my surroundings today. I will enjoy it though and being mild (around 0 degrees celsius) cross country skiing will be on a lot of agendas for the next few days.  What a gift at Christmas time - Mother Nature as usual is always kind when she can be. We do need to help her along by protecting the environment in as much as we are able. Nuclear Fusion is the key to all of that - elimination of the burning of fossil fuels. It is really a waste to burn them as they have the ability to make so many life saving devices, to house people and to provide toys for children - a real must as well. Children grow up happier and healthier when they have the good food of the land and toys to play with in their daily lives. 

Today is going to be my day to work out the rest of my donations for the year. I have a couple in mind and need to think about what Edward and I talked about those last few months as he would come back to it quite regularly when we sat and chatted in the mornings at first and then later most of the day. It is strange as it was not really a thought out plan as we thought his time was still in the many months or perhaps years but life can be cruel and my strength weakening as the days passed. But I did not notice it at the time - I simply got up and got on with the day and I am so glad in retrospect that I simply moved away from my computer and spent time with Edward. But he had some donations that he wanted me to make on a regular basis and I simply did not get that done last year in the way that I wanted - it was hard that year after Edward passed. Time does permit you to move forward but it does take a full year to come to terms with loss and then find a way that suits what you always shared and how to live your life without your better half. 

We are watching a wonderful series on one of the parks in Africa at the moment on Netflix. I have lost my desire now to travel to places far away - it was that marvelous thing that Edward and I did for over 14 years as we traveled back and forth to Europe. Africa attracted me as a child because I knew people that were there and I wanted to be part of their activities - in my case it would have been medicine but my friends were teachers in the universities there. It was a very long time ago now but it is fun watching these wonderful documentaries that Netflix have on their streaming service. 

I have moved past the Harry and Meghan series although I have been watching the Crown again during my exercise periods. I find the historic references intriguing and tend to check up on them for their historical accuracy but the recounting is interesting. Royalty always looks so wonderful from the outside which is the whole idea really but it is a hard life being in the Fish Bowl and constantly watched. Their activities monitored constantly and as a family often blamed for the "activities" of their ancestors. They walk a pretty tight line in terms of how they live their life but they return so much richness to life especially when times are hard. They are a distraction to that hardness of life as my grandfather used to say and give the people hope for the future and better times. Jealousy does abound in that life though and the King/Queen have to be ruthless to weed it out in whatever way works best for the protection of the People and the Governance. Better to go away quietly if you do not like the lifestyle. I do not think life is that successful for those who make a splash - a glance at the life led by the Duke of Windsor supports that thought (he did spend it in a gilded cage though for sure). He was jealous of his brother whilst he himself was king (King Edward VIII) and continued to be jealous of his brother when he became King (King George VI) after the abdication - mind you my mind is somewhat slanted on that because of my grandfather but history does support that theory. I am looking forward to a Prequel that has been mentioned looking at the lives of King Edward VII, King George V, King Edward VIII, and King George VI. My grandfather talked about all these Kings that had lived in his lifetime (perhaps Queen Victoria will also be worked in as my grandfather was born in 1875 and so lived in England during her reign as well). 

Today is Chromosome 22 once again. I did work away at it yesterday working the new matches in and will continue with that today as well. Then I can look at what I did with the phasing of the Great Grandparents and see if there is any new information to put into that chart. 

On to breakfast once again. Last night we made chili which is one of my most favourite meals - enough for two more days which is great. I do love Chili.

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