Saturday, December 3, 2022

Another excellent working day

Up early again today, the winter mornings are beautiful especially if there is a moon and it shines on the lovely snow. That hasn't happened yet but one of these days. I do love the winter. 

Yesterday was a day of good accomplishment as I completed the fifth set of data and went back to work on the first set which is nearly complete now and there are only four to do in the second set since I was in the process of refining my methodology as I worked through that set. I need to think of the big picture and might do that today where I take the clusters and look at them individually in each set where they overlap to see if I can learn anything new. Then add the matches into my data set and move on to phasing. 

I did go shopping yesterday but forgot the raisins so that will get added to next week's list; I can manage without raisins in my cooked oatmeal for a few days! Especially on a winter morning I like hot oatmeal possibly because I keep the house at 21 degrees celsius all day and would like to turn it down at night but that is too cold for everybody else. I do not mind sleeping at 18 or 17 degrees celsius. I think I sleep better then but probably most people like it warmer.

I want to do some more research on the neanderthals and denisovans particularly because we, as a family, have a good contribution from both 2% neanderthal and 3% denisovan. The more I learn about denisovan the more fascinated I am about where in my ancestry we have acquired this genetic inheritance. I suspect it is coming in our mitochondrial and X chromosome DNA line as that is likely the only one that wintered at Ukraina where it was most likely that there could have been such an introduction. With 5% of our DNA from these more ancient human lines one wonders what effect it has on our overall ancestry. It is a tiny bond that I share with the peoples of Eastern Europe and it has been an exciting time producing my H11 Newsletter and corresponding with members of the group from all over this area. There are no borders where family lines are concerned; one must protect one's blood brothers. Glory to Ukraine.

I had written that greed is a pretty bad sin but jealousy ranks up there as well. Nice to see William and Kate coming to the Western Hemisphere and for such a good cause - they are such good people dedicated to doing good in the world for the sake of the world and not just to make money for themselves. They are Britain's best exports in many ways because they are the future along with their three children - their ages cover from infant to the 40s an important age group in our world. William always looks sad now and one can wonder if that is because his brother has betrayed him in such a dreadful way - one wonders what his brother will say next about William. People say and do things in their youth and within a family setting and that is where it belongs; one shouldn't have to spend one's days wondering what a sibling will say about them and purely because he is jealous that William will be King and he will gradually become less and less important as William's children grow, marry and have families constantly pushing him further and further from the line of succession. Diana would be so very unhappy to see what her second son is doing; she was dedicated to the meaning of the Royal Family in England and I do think that "The Crown" has that wrong - the UK was everything to Diana if one remembers her dedication to her people instead of "The Crown" portrayal. Catherine looks tired and she too coming from a lovely warm and close family must also be in shock at what is happening - imagine collecting up all the things that one claims has been said to them in a short period of time and then starting to tell these tidbits (taken out of context) on a world stage in revenge and out of jealousy and simply to make money. 

On to breakfast and the day.

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