Friday, December 16, 2022

Another huge snowstorm - skiing adventure to come

Another huge snowstorm has  and will come our way. This makes Christmas so very nice for sure. Up early and it is still dark at 7:20 a.m. although slowly the sun is shining through the snow. The trees are bleak against the snowy sky and it will be an interesting day. Solitaire games all played and the day is ahead of me. 

Good luck with the matches yesterday and looking at Chromosome 23 but not much done on Chromosome 22 yet but I have three good days to work away on the phasing before cleaning times comes around once again. 

I did find the Harry and Megan part 2 series to be unexpected as I would not have thought to spend so much time on the social media aspect - it is just trash really all those dreadful posts and not worthy of seeing the light of day. One must often wade through such things I guess if you do read a lot of social media but royal watchers will have enjoyed all the scenes with the children of Harry and Meghan and I expect it will be a hit like the first three sessions. Watching it again less likely for me (I have watched the Crown probably ten times or more) as I found that first issue of the second part to be quite undesirable. We need more control on social media perhaps or more emphasis on being respectful rather than publishing hatred. Here in Canada we have a law against publishing hate which is a good thing I think; freedom of speech can go too far but it is also a slippery slope to ban things one must be cautious that it does not get out of control.

I do like Netflix though and mostly that is what I watch on television in those moments when I watch television - mostly when I am exercising. I do watch the news regularly and the weather though but all the bells and whistles are for visitors and I will keep them on the contract for them. There are so many documentaries on Netflix that I have not yet enjoyed so that is always good news. Always something interesting to watch whilst I am running or lifting weights or doing calisthenics or biking. 

I also watch Prime and there is a lot of good and interesting material on there as well. I haven't subscribed to the other streaming sites mostly because there are not enough hours in the day and I need to save my pennies or nickles since we did away with pennies on food like everybody else!

I like to put in eight hours a day on my historical research into my parent's surnames. They had interesting surnames that have spread all around the world now but the roots are still there to be worked on and figured out in as much as I am able. I have picked up both of these names from earlier researchers at the Guild of one-name studies. They did their part and I have managed to obtain some of their work which has benefited me and my readers of the Newsletters and I hope to add to that and one day another will pick up the quest I am sure. By publishing online I keep it alive and ready to access in my lifetime and my daughters will continue that into the future - not the research for sure but the ability to access what I have done. Too much genealogy at a young age can be burdensome although in a few cases it has been an inspiration - it is the sort of thing that in my case one doesn't come to until one hits their 60s and both of their parents have passed on and one becomes interested in all those stories and it just goes from there. Although in my case it took my cousin to really get me into it which I freely admit. I had definitely avoided it for many years whilst I observed Edward working on his family tree throughout our entire marriage. But it did make for some family time with the girls on my own which I still relish in my thinking time. 

On to the day and breakfast. I have already had my cup of green tea which I intend to become a morning habit. I will need to work away at that though as my tendency is to do my morning stretching exercises and get up and work on the computer!

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