Saturday, December 10, 2022

Cloudless sky and a beautiful yellow sunrise

Another cold morning minus 10 degress celsius at 7:00 a.m. with a windchill which feels like minus 15 degrees celsius and still no snow cover but soon perhaps. The waiting time for the snow to come and brighten up our now dull world with all the plant life gone to sleep for the winter and the deciduous trees stripped of all their leaves. The horizon view is stark now. 

Interesting article in Nature talking about DNA finds from two million years ago in the Arctic. Our world is a mystery still unraveled and waiting to be discovered. Are we the most advanced beings that have ever lived on this planet? I did find the Ancient Apocalypse documentary from Netflix quite fascinating. Netflix has produced some fascinating documentaries that lead us onward into this new world that is being rapidly created by global warming. Then there are the Russians under Putin and his enablers trying to destroy the world unless they can have what they want - like the two year old - I want it or I will destroy it. His mind eaten up with images of a world that he thinks existed during the Soviet Union which only led to ruin for the Russian people and he will destroy their world once again unless they rid themselves of this tyrant and his enablers. 

More work yesterday on the matches and I hope to complete all the matches by the end of the weekend. Then cleaning and onward into phasing once again although I must work the new matches into the phasing of the grandparents first. Some of them are quite interesting. Especially the ones that I have just simply ignored the past few years - the size of the matches and the number of them matching each other but at the beginning of Chromosome 15 which has a large common pile-up area. So my work is cut out for me for a few weeks and I need to get started on the next Blake Newsletter. I have not been to the Family History Library yet so need to look at doing that. A few "house-keeping" issues have kept me busier than I had planned as I move forward in this new world that I am entering slowly. 

The question in my mind is will I watch the next three issues of the Harry and Megan story. I found the first three to be insulting towards the British people implying extreme racism in the British Isles and making Britain responsible for the Slave Trade - interesting how Elizabeth I was blamed for the initiation of the Slave Trade in Issue Three. But pointing the finger doesn't solve the problem which is what I found so negative about the Harry and Meghan series. We need to move forward respecting each other (the disregard by Harry for William and Kate comes across strongly in the series; jealousy is a dreadful disease) and making the world a better place for the children to come. 

A new day and breakfast awaits.

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