Thursday, December 8, 2022

COVID Vaccine number 5

 Yesterday I walked up to the Drug Store and was there for my 11:00 appointment for my 5th COVID shot. We had a robocall from the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario a couple of days ago urging seniors to get their next shot and since I was planning to do that anyway I decided to book an appointment right away and get that done. I really have not been around people very much since COVID began except for visiting Edward in the hospital after he was admitted. He was actually on a floor that had COVID but with all the precautions none of us got COVID. Then I have mostly been in a small group so my contact with COVID was minimal (just grocery shopping or the like). But I continue to wear a mask when I am out and about in a group setting just because it is simple and easy to do and one isn't burdening the health care system. Thoughtless really to do otherwise I am thinking especially with all the children now suffering from RSV. It will just take a little longer. It was a while before people let up their cautions after the Spanish Flu as I recall people saying in my childhood. It was still being talked about in the 50s and as a child I can remember being cautioned not to get too close to a person coughing and that sort of thing. So I am now on my way to being protected from COVID once again although likely my immunity was still there ready to spring into action and help to aid me through anything but why chance it if you can just wear a mask and avoid it. So far the only effect is a slightly sore arm. 

Exercises all done so up and it was after sunrise for me - it was a bright sunrise as the almost full moon was brightly shining along with the rich yellow sunrise making it daylight at seven a.m. Solitaire games all played and the mind ready to take on the day. Snow is all gone and waiting for that to come back - it isn't really winter without snow and I have promised my daughter that I would go cross country skiing this year and so I shall. It is fun to glide along on the snow through the woods and the bird sightings can be quite good. 

Yesterday more matches completed and the Buller matches continue to predominate as I had not collected up the, as it turns out, large number that I had simply passed by because they were at the beginning of Chromosome 15 which is a common pile-up area probably for the British Isles in my case and I now have 13 members in this area none of whom are known to me but I will need to look at their trees with a more careful eye looking for descendants of Sarah Welch and Edwin Withers or Anne Welch and Henry Christopher Pincombe my 2x great grandmother Anne and her twin sister Sarah. Or it could also be descendants of the likely parents of my Ellen Taylor who married Edwin Denner Buller namely Thomas Taylor and Ellen Roberts. I was contacted by a descendant of this line but have not heard back from him - it would be interesting if he tested his DNA but did not say that. He contacted me on Ancestry which was most interesting. The matches that I have can be quite large (30 to 45 centimorgans) and they match each other. 

DNA is certainly a fun way to spend one's day along with exercise which I love. I do know that I am somewhat peculiar and have been told that many times but with God in our world and Jesus as our Saviour the days pass in loving remembrance of Jesus and all that he brought to this world. Funny how the series "Waiting for God" always pops into my mind as in truth that is what we do from the time that we arrive as infants living out our lives; finding a path that leads us ever onward towards the future and God. 

On to the day; breakfast is waiting.

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