Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Glory to Ukraine and may she prevail

The world deserves so much better. Russia is destroying our world because of greed. The people of Russia can put a stop to the greed of Putin and his enablers. They have it in their power; there are far more of them than there are of those in power who control how this war is being waged against Ukraine. Rise O Russia; throw out Putin and his enablers and take back your rightful place amongst the nations of the world who love this world and want to preserve it. Live once again in respect and honour in the world; you have given a lot to the world as have all nations but your efforts are being destroyed by Putin and his enablers.

Yesterday was a cleaning day and almost finished; will complete that task today. I did not work on any matches regretfully but perhaps today I can get a little done. The cleaning is important to me though as I do not like disorder. Disorder makes it harder to locate anything and it is in the way. Especially important for older people to have order. 

Rain is promised today and the ground continues to welcome all of that moisture. This has been a very dry year although not as dry as some places for sure. 

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