Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Great News - Nuclear Fission experiments

Perhaps the greatest news for the preservation of the earth are the latest experiments on Nuclear Fission. It would make all the difference to harness the energy of the atom. Our world could be free of pollution and all that that entails.

All Putin talks about is destroying! destroying! All that Putin does is destroy Ukraine with Iranian drones (when he can) which they claim are not their equipment that they are selling to Russia - anything to make a buck it would appear (to use a lovely American expression)! That God would smite both Iran and Russia dictators and their enablers (the Iran Revolutionary Guard comes to mind) to revenge the death of the Innocents. They are both hypocrites and murders - they murder their own people. The good people of these countries need to eliminate these dictators; we can not do it for them - it is called a Third World War and all perish as Russia will use their nuclear weapons and Iran would if they could. What sickness dwells in the minds of these people.  They are sick dogs these dictators and those who bend the knee to them are also sick dogs. Only one way to really handle a sick dog for sure. Their people need to take them out of their misery and let the peoples of Russia and Iran be free and Ukraine no longer being fired upon. War is stupid; destroys our planet. 

Yesterday the cleaning completely accomplished. Also all but one of the matches neatly placed into their folders and associated applications. The last match is an interesting one. I suspect that this individual is descended from two different sets of my 3x great grandparents. I will likely place him into my Interesting file so that I do not lose track of him. 

On to phasing and we have a heavy snowfall warning coming this weekend. Ready for that and looking forward to a good snowfall so that we can go skiing. It will be very exhilarating as it is still in the mild range temperature wise. I do find skiing at minus 20 degrees celsius to be a challenge! On with winter and all the joys that come with it. On to breakfast.

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