Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Heading towrds Winter Solstice 2022

 Tomorrow is Winter Solstice - the time of the fairies and the little people as they hide away for winter only coming out on the warm days as my grandfather would say but he was talking about his England - his Hampshire which he loved to the end of his days. When he talked about the fairies and the little people I just listened; I didn't ask him any questions because I didn't really have any. No one else talked about the little people or fairies and I was just eight when he passed away. At Winter Solstice though the fairies and little people were very active he said but I can not remember why that was now. Just that they were to him. I sometimes wonder if there is still belief in the fairies and the little people!

There appear to be two items that the news is most about these days,  first item is Glory to Ukraine as she battles Russia which has illegally invaded the country and still doesn't have the good sense to just go home. The lives of the peoples of Russia are being destroyed and only they can stop it. The lives of the peoples of Ukraine are being snuffed out with relentless bombing of civilian populations destroying their infrastructure in the midst of the cold of winter. More help for Ukraine is needed as they fight valiantly against the Russian army. That is one item and Glory to Ukraine.

The second item is the Netflix series on Harry and Meghan. In my mind I had moved away from it but Harry and Megan planted so many little items into the six sessions that they continue to be in the news cycle. I missed the tampering with the Queen's Speech in Cape Town when she was 21 years of age but I tend to watch these shows when I am exercising and I didn't watch this set twice and likely will not do so. I have moved on to more interesting and accurate documentaries. Already there are a lot of comments on the pictorial content saying that it doesn't pertain to what is being said but rather selected for its visual look. It attacks the UK and the Commonwealth when the opportunity to showcase the Commonwealth would have been more appropriate I think - King Charles (as his mother before him) has worked throughout his entire life to help all peoples in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the Commonwealth. This series doesn't recount the whole story; just a story that suits the narrative of this documentary which should really carry a label  that the Queen herself created - "while some recollections may vary ....." There are nutters in every country who are racist for sure and completely unacceptable. Overall I found that jealousy on the part of Harry and Meghan for William and Kate predominated throughout the entire six issues of the two part documentary. 

We have been enjoying some really interesting documentaries on Africa the past couple of days. It is a beautiful part of the world but much affected by Climate Change.

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