Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas and thank you to God for His many gifts to us

Christmas morning has come with no wind, my walks and laneway all cleared by the company but it is cold out there and more snow to come. But the sun is shining at the moment and it is a beautiful day to remember the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. 

I shall go and watch last night's service at Church very soon. I always put family first and last night we watched the third Harry Potter movie because that is what we planned. I would, to be honest, like to be at Church but family time is very important and I enjoyed that time. Besides I really like going to Church on Christmas Day as well as Christmas Eve but there is something special about the Christmas Day Service - God is with us I feel on that special day in the year. 

Yesterday good progress on the wills and I am more than half way through them. Charlou Dolan prepared a list of the descendants of Robert Blake (brother to Nicholas Blake) at Knights Enham and I will soon compare all of this extraction with that work. Always more information comes to light but she has put a great many hours into her pursuit of the Blake family at Andover in the Robert Blake line. I did have good advice to look towards that line which did bring me to Nicholas. I just have that memory from my grandfather and father about Nicholas at Old Hall. And so I have found a line that does go back to Nicholas although there are lines in the Robert tree that could also work but they are not this 100% fit that the other line that I found is. So I persist in the idea that this is the line for my father and grandfather and his father etc. etc. 

Merry Christmas to the world and especially Ukraine - that their heroic struggle will be noted by God and with His support they continue to stand against the greedy psychopaths Putin and his enablers. We must help the Ukrainians; the world stands at an abyss because of Putin and his enablers. They even abuse the Church of Jesus Christ by claiming earlier that this was a religious struggle against a people already maimed and starved by the earlier Soviet Union and now Russia itself  under Putin and his enablers continue that horrific slaughter of the innocents. Interesting that Putin always says Russia is ready to negotiate but they have their red line - they will not remove their military from Ukrainian soil; their sham referendum is not accepted by the rest of the world. The soil of Ukraine is soaked in the blood of the children of Ukraine killed by Putin and his enablers - not one foot should be given away as Putin will not respect the rights of any country that was formerly in the Soviet Union if we do not help Ukraine hold the line. Rise O Russia and cast off the greedy psychopaths Putin and his enablers - they will spill the blood of Russia to steal the riches of Ukraine for themselves. Russia was a great nation; bring back that great nation and eliminate Putin and his enablers. 

Church on You-Tube and then the Christmas Message of King Charles III. May he reign over Canada and not be replaced by an elected head of state that generally becomes corrupted by such power. We have some good examples that corruption does not taint and Justin Trudeau continues to come to mind - although he has had Ethics complaints I think they are mostly trivial and he has been a good Prime Minister through difficult times even if I am a Conservative. The Conservative Party needs to show me that they are not devoted solely to the Oil Industry of Alberta over and above everything else in Canada; that they are not going to destroy our libraries in order to make it possible for them to continue supporting only Alberta and then I will listen.  

The Christmas Message of King Charles III was a wonderful experience. Thank you to him for his gracious message of love for all and very well done. He shared memories of his parents - Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. He also remembered the Prince and Princess of Wales for all their hard work and pictures of his siblings going about their work of goodness in the United Kingdom. God bless them all.

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