Friday, December 9, 2022

Netflix - Harry and Meghan

I knew I would watch the series and I did over the last two days. Was it curiosity or was I trying to find fault with the series? No I just watched it like I do all the documentaries; interested in what was being said; the historical reproductions are always interesting to view and I was perhaps looking for some sort of desire on the part of Harry to realize that two life styles had not meshed and he had not made the effort to educate Megan in the ways of royalty or the British People. Comments by Meghan like I had no idea of what a walk-about was and she lived in Canada watching Canadian TV and seldom a day went by when the Queen or another member of the British family was being pictured doing a walk-about on our national TV somewhere in the world. I did find such a comment to be insincere. Then meeting Kate and William for the first time having invited them for dinner and greeting them in torn jeans said so very proudly by Meghan and also immediately hugging Kate. I find it difficult to understand why Harry did not protect his brother and sister in law by letting Meghan know that both would be unexpected. Was he already so jealous of his brother? One wonders.  Was Meghan his ticket out of the royal family as has been said on occasion? Have they set up an alternate royal court in California just to let everyone know they are ready and waiting in case they are called upon to serve? Was that what this Net Flix series is all about in the long run? Was King Charles refusal to be a bank to fund Harry's life style the cause? Who knows?

The series somewhat broken up with quick moves between places and people and I remain somewhat ambivalent about some of the comments - the smallness of  the UK was certainly emphasized a number of times in the third issue and yet they played in a world field far above that smallness but the emphasis was centered entirely on racism. The big picture being said seemed to imply this extreme racist nation and there I was at a loss.I did not particularly notice racism on our seven trips to the UK but we were not often out of the company of either my cousins or the tour although did walk around London for four days in 2008, 5 days in 2010 and then 11 days in 2013. There seemed to be a lot of people of all nationalities in the areas where we walked (usually about 18,000 steps per day). I was walking in the steps of my 3x great grandfather Christopher Buller and his family around Bermondsey for some of that time. I do watch the news though and do see racism all over the world as it occurs in dreadful ways. 

I was surprised that Harry was part of belittling the British Commonwealth because it felt that way to me the viewer when the maps were displayed of the world and the British Commonwealth highlighted. His grandmother worked (and her father King George VI) unceasingly to bring the British Commonwealth to the point it has reached today where all members are equal around the world. But it can not be wrong to display the past as it actually occurred without coercion; history goes back a long way and if there were movie cameras back in the days of the Romans we could have pictures of the slave markets in Rome where British people were sold as slaves. It never makes it right to own people; it is wrong - each living being has a right to their free destiny (at the moment Ukraine comes to mind; their very lives are being snuffed out and it is 2022). We need to move forward together making the world a better place. We have come a long way already and I fear that making anti-racism a calling cry emboldens racism. We just need to accept people; all peoples and work together to make this a better place. 

So overall, I think the series did the job intended of displaying a downtrodden Harry and Megan as they wanted to be seen but a poor job displaying the royal family - they are more than the series gave them credit. The Firm is not responsible for Harry and Megan leaving; that was their choice.

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