Thursday, December 29, 2022

On to the rest of the wills for Blake family members at Knights Enham and nearby

 It ended up being quite a trek doing the will of Jone Blake. It was a difficult one - rather faint and a number of items crossed out. Being a woman, she had a lot of material items that she wanted to go to particular son, daughters, granddaughters and grandsons. 

There are eleven wills left to extract the genealogical information to complete my task. I suspect the summary will take another newsletter to really look at all of this material. I did work my way through some of it earlier but to look at all the wills at once will be quite a task that I have set for myself. At 77 I am slowing down a little in that regard plus it is a busy season. 

Thinking of King Charles III's Christmas message I am not sure I agree with the thoughts of the Queen's Chaplain. I think the monarchy is more than it being the Head of the Church of England. I think he phrased his Christmas message very well including all the peoples of the United Kingdom. 

 The Monarchy stretches back over a thousand years in England and has been in this century and the last a beacon of hope in a strained world. There is a promise in this line that is coming to fruition with Charles as King now and William to come with Kate his wife and then their children, George, Charlotte and Louis with their eventual heirs. Charles has good ideas; is in an environmentalist and dedicated to the world's future existence. He makes England grand really; people notice England because of him and his son William and family.

I think people need to be more flexible in their thinking these days. It is one of the reasons that Russia attacked Ukraine. The mindset of the greedy psychopathic nazis Putin and his enablers could not get past the idea that Ukraine could be independent, could seek membership in the European Union and could be a member of NATO. It certainly wasn't working well for Ukraine to be part of the Soviet Union, Stalin tried to starve them to death during the 1930s. Their memories of Russia are not very pleasant one could say given the past and the present. I like the idea of Zelenskyy to have the United Nations manage the peace talks and the peace. If Russia truly wants peace than they would let that happen. The men of Russia do not have to die on the battlefield day after day; it is sinful to throw one's youth away like Russia is doing. Putin and his enablers are destroying Russia. 

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