Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Russia only has one enemy - Putin and his enablers

 The rest of the world has been enthusiastic for Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. We wanted to see Russia recover from the depression created by attacking Afghanistan; to see her people prosper and become what they were always meant to be citizens of Russia and citizens of the world. Citizens not slaves to the will of Putin and his enablers. Threatening us with nuclear weapons is a downer for everyone but Putin and his enablers continue with their rhetoric because they are losing the war but continue fighting since they share such a huge border with Ukraine butchering the peoples of Ukraine in one way or another - destroying Ukrainian infrastructure is just like shooting them because it is cold in the winter and survival becomes more and more difficult. I remain amazed that Russians let this go on and on. Get rid of Putin and his enablers Russia and come back again to be the great country that you can be. Put your nuclear weapons under international control so that no leader of your country can threaten the world again. Canada rejected nuclear weapons on our soil many many years ago. It is a safer world without them but we may actually need them in the future to defend the world; no way of knowing really. 

Cleaning of two floors completed yesterday and the basement today. Not much work done on matches but maybe can squeeze that in today. 


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