Friday, December 2, 2022

Still a little snow on the ground

Up early and a wonderful email in my inbox from RCMP telling me that all was fine and the license just expires in six months so not to worry. That was nice of them; they work so hard. I am glad to no longer be the possessor of any firearms. Like everything else in our world; firearms have a time and a place and I do understand people wanting to own them for hunting and even target shooting. But all these killings in the last few years make me wish that anyone buying a gun has to prove that they want it for a good purpose and not to do evil. 

Today I shall once again work on the clustering matches and yesterday I made good progress in some ways but not a lot of matches actually created. Gradually as I worked my way through the five sets of data I came up with a better method and went back and applied that to the first two sets of data leaving me with some work to do there. So today I will complete the fifth set of data and then go back and rework some of the first and second data sets. Then I can move on to entering them into my database and finally back to phasing my great grandparents DNA - an exciting project. 

I am hoping that my youngest brother might come and stay with me on occasion. He is busy helping his daughter and son in law with their two small children as both are busy working but the two small children are growing and although he is ten years younger than I am I expect a nice rest sometimes would be good for him. So will see how that goes. He was only ten years old when Edward and I were married and I always missed my little brother (and I had a little sister as well that had just turned thirteen at that time). It would be exciting if he can work out that he could come and stay for a bit but probably not right away the children are still young. 

Other than that winter is definitely coming and I got the snow shovels out just in case as I still need to clear the patio although the snow removal company does all the rest. I think salmon for dinner (a small piece actually does me two meals as I do salmon fish cake the next day).  Yesterday I had avocado toast with an egg and cheese for lunch and then a light supper. I miss Edward of course but one can not prevent the passage of time and all that entails. He would want me to enjoy my days just as he enjoyed his days although he never liked to be alone really; he always preferred company. I grew up in a house full of people and my siblings tended to bring more people home so that it seemed like wall to wall people quite often. Living in the attic I escaped all of that mostly as I could read and work away up there by myself. Funny that I married a people person really as Edward loved to have company although he also liked our quiet times so maybe he liked having both life styles in retrospect and I didn't have people in on my own  so he could have life both ways. 

I must admit to missing my little ones but soon it will be a birthday celebration a bit late due to a death in the family. I was sorry to hear that one of my daughter's brothers in law father had passed away. Her brother in law is a lovely person and it is sad for him. 

It is early and solitaire games already played but the day welcomes me and I shall soon have breakfast. I am always reminded of the peoples of Ukraine sitting in the dark and the cold all because a ruthless monster and his enablers (Putin) are bombing them and they have done nothing wrong except want a better life not attached to a country that attacks the countries around them because they want to recreate the Soviet Union. The peoples of Ukraine and Russia deserve so much better, Rise up O Russia and cast off these butchers Putin and his enablers and have a better life; you do have leaders that care about you and Russia but Putin has put him into jail; free him, free Alexei Navalny and everyone else that is imprisoned for their political beliefs. What kind of government treats its citizens who are simply being in opposition as a second party in your country in this way - it is called dictatorship; you people of Russia deserve so much better. Put your nuclear weapons under international control so that never again can they be used to frighten you and the world; under international protection and control they could be used to protect the planet and you and not destroy it.

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