Saturday, December 24, 2022

The so-called West only wants Peace

Jealousy is perhaps the worst human trait - I am slowly coming to that conclusion. I do not think I thought about it very much perhaps because I can never remember being jealous of anyone. I was much too closed a person to really notice everyone else. I still am mostly but I do feel we have duties to do in our lives as human beings. Jesus came and brought us the Good News about God His Father and the Christian religion sprang from that Good News. His message of tending the sick, feeding and helping the homeless and the downtrodden and caring for widows and orphans has rang loudly down through the ages and really they are sensible ideas and aims as well as being wondrous. If you do not tend the sick and the homeless than you do not know what is going on in the world around you whether it be a plague or discontent strong enough to create world wars. Caring for children will always be most important because they are the future. We have been watching a number of animal documentaries and how mothers (and fathers) care for their young. During long cold winter months when their young are born the mammalian mothers literally allow their young to feed on them even though they do not have any food to eat until spring comes - survival of the young is built into their genes. But back to jealousy and understanding it as a human emotion which I am slowly coming to realization of its derogatory essence in the human existence. It breeds violence; it breeds war and I do not believe it breeds knowledge and progress. 

It brought me to thinking about Elon Musk. He has done marvelous things in the evolution of knowledge along with his co-founder Kimbal Musk they have added greatly to knowledge in the last twenty years. Why does he do it? He is an energized human who has followed the American Dream seeking to do everything that he wants to do with his ability. I would never say that I agree with his tactics but then I am not an entrepreneur type of person. But it was interesting that he presented a poll on whether he should step down as CEO of Twitter and with 57% thinking that he should he is now looking for a new CEO. He is perhaps an honest person lacking jealousy and that is good to see and there are more like him in the world. It is the American Dream showing forth in its brilliance and is the dream of all peoples who strive to make this world a better place and they gravitate to the United States because they feel free to develop and grow to their full potential there. Some may disagree with me but his intent is to have peace but he too likely realizes that we can not have peace by capitulating to Nazism which is what we are presented with by Putin and his enablers. In less than one hundred years Nazism has again reared its ugly head with Putin and his enablers expressing it. 

So we sit still in that lull that existed in the world in the 1930s before World War II but this time the US, the UK and Europe are seeing the future that befalls us if we do not continue helping Ukraine to prevent a third world war by fighting Putin and his enablers - the suffering though is huge for the Ukrainian people but then they have suffered for nearly a hundred years initially as part of the Soviet Union, then eliminating the graft that predominates Russian culture and now fighting off an invasion by Russia. They know how to fight and what they want from life.

Will I ever become jealous? I do not really think so. There isn't anything that I want beyond the love of God and Jesus His Son. Although I have two children and two grandchildren I have always believed that my children are their own masters and will do in life what they want to do and when they went on their way as adults I was no longer in charge and so I return to the things that I want to do in life before God calls me home. Jealousy is a dreadful disease and humans would be so much better off if they could simply live the peaceful and content life - eliminating people like Putin and his enablers is the way forward but it is not a job that we in the West can take on - it needs to come from within. Through my life I have watched as freedom became endemic in the western world but it is a freedom tendered by good governance and gradually I suspect that even communism can bring a communal type of freedom to countries that believe in this system of governance. But raw dictatorship such as is practiced by Putin and his enablers can only bring pain and suffering because they are jealous psychopaths who want all the riches of the world for themselves. 

On to the day, it is Christmas Eve Day as we prepare to celebrate once again as we have from the time of the birth of Jesus those many many years ago.

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