Sunday, December 11, 2022

Two days and at one quarter of the matches left to do

 It did take me two days to reach the one quarter left mark of the 120 matches. I will work away at them today and perhaps finish although sometimes I spend a little while on a particular match as I check them against the master phasing diagram and when they are somewhat different to what I would anticipate on second thought, I go back into the matches and have a good look. 

Yesterday was a really busy day but fun I enjoyed it. Tomorrow cleaning begins once again so today is Church on You-Tube once again. I did re-watch the Harry and Megan series just to see if I misunderstood what I thought I was seeing but really no changes. The opportunity to showcase the Commonwealth was there but sadly missed; it was the Queen's great project which she thoroughly was part of and put a lot of her life's work into growing the Commonwealth. The opportunities of travel in all the countries of the Commonwealth and working is large and worthwhile. The opportunity for industrial development in the countries that are less affluent are huge and should benefit from say my own country of Canada. Watching to make sure that the advantages are on both sides is important. But I think the ability to travel freely about the Commonwealth is really important. I have been very happy working with people from many different countries in the Commonwealth and learned a great deal about their countries from them and sharing winter stories with them in the summer in Canada was interesting. When winter came and they had purchased warm clothes they said thank you for telling it like it is. Canada is a cold place in the winter but still a lovely place to live and once you get used to the white fluffy stuff a lot of fun. 

Time is marching quickly onward and must get ready for Church on You-Tube. 

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