Monday, January 30, 2023

Another good snowfall as winter carries on

We are getting buried in snow slowly but surely. One of our heavier winter snows this year although quickly cleaned up by the road crews. Since it was the weekend no traffic snarls at all. Our crews are very efficient. But then we do do winter for sure; this is a winter country and you need to love it or it challenges you. I have loved winter all of my life and not likely to change. The birds have managed to dig down through the snow and get the feed that is nicely preserved in that mound of snow - every day a small flock of them work their way down through the snow to the treats below - the squirrels are hibernating and have not really seen them about much so the seeds are all for the birds. Amazing that they manage at minus 16 degrees celsius so very well which is the temperature at 8:00 am this morning. The trees are once again coated with snow which gives them an ethereal quality as one looks out the workroom window enjoying yet another snowy day. 

Another new member of the H11 group this time from Central Europe and sadness creeps into my day remembering all the dead in Ukraine; I try to feel sad about the Russian dead but they brought this onto themselves and mourning them will be a long time coming in the rest of Europe. Europe was doing so well; getting along so well then Russia spoiled it all the last ten years and more since they invaded Georgia to start what is really a new Cold War except there is actual fighting. Glory to Ukraine and may the world survive another year in spite of the treachery of Russia against the world always trying to use the nuclear threat against us. They have been at it for a very long time although for a while it did look like Russia wanted to be part of the world but they have become psychopathic nazis trying to steal land and riches from the countries that surround them and they do not care whom they kill doing it. 

Good luck yesterday as I found yet another jewel in the proof of Robert Siderfin not dying in 1612 but rather he is on the Visitation of Somerset in 1623. I do have a copy of that and must read it through. I know that he is listed in the column of gentry as Robert Sitterfyn, gent from Luxborough (page 134 he is listed under Carhampton Hundred - Luxborow Robert Sitterfyn ignobilis  but James Sanders also says that there is a mention of him as Robert Gitterfen of Luxborough at Dunster 15 Aug 1623. I shall have to review the book as I do not see that in the Index. The reference is on page 131 and it is individuals: Disclaimed at Dunster the 13th of August 1623 under the title "Ignobiles" (meaning of ignobile is unknown or obscure) and Robert Gitterfen of Luxborough is thus named. Robert, son of Robert Sidderfyn and Christian (unknown) lived at Minehead as far as I am able to determine - the three children of Robert Sidderfyn and Ursula Webber were baptized at Minehead between 1614 and 1619. James Sanders also has a list of the Subsidy Rolls, 21 James I (1624) at Minehead which lists Robto Saydersin. James Sanders comments "No doubt this family migrated to other parishes" on page 18 which we do know to be true but there were two Robert Sidderfin at this time as far as I am able to determine - one in Luxborough and one in Minehead. I shall try to see if that particular Subsidy is online just to verify it. 

Today is cleaning day and it is the basement for the beginning of that task. Breakfast awaits and then on to the day.

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