Friday, January 13, 2023

Constitutional monarchy

Canada too is a constitutional monarchy and so deeply embedded in our constitution and governance that it would be a major task to make any changes which is a good thing in my humble opinion. I would dislike having an elected Head of State or none at all. The continuance of this position representing in this case the King in Canada is a pleasant happening given the visits that are paid to our country on occasion although the latest visits have all been to the United States of America which abandoned the Empire over two hundred years ago. However, I tend to understand the nature of that relationship that exists between the United Kingdom and the United States of America. It is a good beneficial relationship that oftimes has been very beneficial to Canada although Americans do find that our continuing to have a King to be somewhat strange but so far that continues I am again very happy to say. 

Having an elected Head of State means letting political parties get involved in both sets of governance and possibly at the same time. Having that continuing Head of State, which really costs us nothing except  of course supporting the Governor General and all that involves which in actuality is not a huge amount compared to what happens to our tax monies no matter which government is in power, is a balancing of governance here in Canada. Whether you like the monarchy or not; they are always there and always consistent. The monarchy even manage to remain neutral and above the fray when attacked by one of their own moving steadily forward knowing that time is their asset and not the asset of the accuser. The accuser becomes less and less relevant as the days, weeks, months and years pass. He hasn't done himself any favours (except for the money he earned for betraying the confidences of his family) and his popularity is gone actually far more than the popularity of the Duke of Windsor who remained beloved in his country of birth by many although that diminished somewhat because of his wife's correspondence with Hitler prior to and during the Second World War. Again jealousy reared its ugly head as she wanted to be Queen and the Duke of Windsor wanted that for her as well - said to be love; I think it is jealousy and lack of love.  There is a hierarchy and mouthing familial happenings doesn't change that - just shows how little was learned by the attacker from his mother; he copied her error of letting his jealousy take him down the same path where (and Diana was jealous of Charles' place in the hierarchy) she was falsely influenced into making statements that resulted in her losing her HRH place in the hierarchy of the Royal Family and being divorced. Was her life pleasant at that time? probably not but she grew up in the shadow of the Royal Family and was aware of the way that that system worked. That she went out of her way to attract the people of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth and even the world to her without paying due respect to Charles' position as the eventual King was unfair. I respect Diana and was saddened when she died in a car crash but she did not do her sons any favours in the long run. She was sorry for herself and left her sons with a burden that young children should not have had to carry. I will not read the book but I suspect it will remain in the news for awhile yet and eventually most of it will be discussed and so far what I have heard has left me with the impression that her sons felt guilty at her death and that is a tragedy; a mother should always protect her children from such feelings. 

I do hope that we will continue with our Constitutional Monarchy. I believe that walking together is more important than reparations. Accusing the British of starting the Slave Trade is beyond the pale to be honest. Africans were selling Africans and ship owners simply provided them with a place to sell them (ghastly really and history will prove that it was). It is horrific that it occurred as is all slavery including the Britons sold at Slave Markets in Rome way back in those ancient times. All slavery is wrong. What Russia is doing in Ukraine is wrong and that is the here and now - they have been killing Ukrainians for nearly one hundred years. 

At the end of the Second World War and at the Fall of the Soviet Union countries emerged, were recognized at the United Nations and that is the way life should flow. There is provision for changing that within the United Nations but attacking militarily a neighbouring country is wrong/forbidden/illegal but the only way to get Russia out of there is to keep supplying Ukraine with as much firepower as they need to do the task otherwise it is World War III. The end of mankind - Armageddon! The blood is on Russia's hands and their psychopathic nazi Leaders Putin and his enablers are the problem. The solution lies with the Russian people - Rise up and rid yourselves of these monsters. Are you serfs obedient to such psychopathic nazi liars or are you Citizens of a Russia with such an ancient culture full of writers, musicians, scientists and others who have gone down in history and are celebrated around the world?

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