Monday, January 16, 2023

Daylight at Dinner

Perhaps the best part of mid-January is the daylight at dinner and light in the morning; the world is slowly coming back towards the Spring Equinox which will be March 20, 2023.  But I eat early and it is still dark when I get up in the morning but the light soon comes. For me, the sad part is I have not accomplished that much this Fall and early Winter. The next two months will be spent working on my projects and I will try not to get distracted. A good Bible Study can always distract me but I have read the book and written down my thoughts - the author called it one's "Mapping the Journey." I do get inspired on occasion and think I will go and walk the Labyrinth at the Cathedral but it is not likely and I printed off another copy of the finger Labyrinth and will set aside a time each day to finger walk the Labyrinth - I do find it relaxing when I do that. It was an interesting read "The Path of the Holy Fool" but time to get back to my transcriptions and the like. I have a lot that I want to accomplish particularly the Siderfin Book, the phasing of my great-grandparents and the wills which got set aside a while back and not yet picked up in a regular fashion. I also have quite a few Pincombe documents which I photographed at the National Archives of the UK on our last visit to Kew. I must control my time in a more rigorous fashion.

Today is cleaning day and the basement is up first. Then tomorrow the rest and I will have five days to just work away. I may ski. Yesterday a really good run to the point and back was enjoyed by me - it is good exercise and if the temperature warms up to minus 5 degrees celsius I may do that. Otherwise I have my good routine of exercise. 

Breakfast awaits and on to the day. Glory to Ukraine. May she rise out of the ashes and become the kind of nation that she wants to be - Russia save the lives of your young men and bring them back to the boundaries established at the end of the Soviet Union over thirty years ago.

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