Sunday, January 15, 2023

Minus 15 degrees celsius

A cold January day and typical for this time in the winter although when we first moved here minus twenty five to thirty degrees celsius was not uncommon but that may come; time will tell. A short cross country skiing event yesterday just to enjoy the new fallen snow. It is deep now and perhaps today we might go again but this is pretty cold for me; we will see. 

I did go to the BIGHSGO meeting yesterday and both sessions were quite interesting. I find discussions on Cornwall to be good teaching sessions. I have done quite a bit of work on the Blake family of Cornwall although some wish I had not for sure. It does appear that the Blake family at least in western Cornwall came to Cornwall in the 1400s from Breton. I have blogged that before so will not repeat endlessly. The Parish Records which are extant in that area and most of Cornwall actually did carry early records for the Blake family. They spread out from that point in Western Cornwall but also Blake families moved from NorthWest Devon into Cornwall so there is a mixture in Eastern Cornwall. It was interesting listening to how the speaker dealt with all the records. I used cards actually as I can lay them out on a surface and rearrange them manually - could do on the computer but it is actually easier to use the cards placed on a map of Cornwall and then strings attaching lines as they moved across Cornwall. As it turns out I also have an interest in the Buller family of Cornwall although not as a one-name study (Blake and Pincombe occupy a great deal of time) so I have also transcribed the Buller wills there but have not done a thorough collection of the Parish Records. Perhaps when my one-name studies wind down I might do that but time will tell.

I have decided to have an ophthalmologist opinion on my cataracts. I always went  to an ophthalmologist from almost birth until I was in my mid fourties but my doctor became busier and busier and then he stepped back to concentrate on surgery so I decided to go to an optometrist and that has worked well for the last thirty years. But now as I approach the time to remove the cataracts a return to seeing an ophthalmologist is the best option I suspect. My father's eyes were very like mine (or mine like his since he came first!) and he had his cataracts removed in his early 80s. That was a while ago like fourty years and he was pleased with the surgery; my mother too had her cataracts removed in her early 80s and one of my sisters so my time is coming. 

Other than that life is just moving along as I work away on the Kip-Kipp Newsletter and start to think about the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter. So much to do and the hours are filled for sure. The winter is a great time for working on items like that as the summer gets eaten up with the outside work. 

Tea has become the morning ritual now and coca-cola a thing of the past mostly. I did enjoy drinking a couple of ounces occasionally as it does quickly make one alert but the tea also does that and the warm drink very pleasant first thing. Today I had a turmeric-ginger tea; a gift of a box of different teas for Christmas - lovely thought for sure. 

Sunday again and Church on You-Tube. There are actually a number of large churches that have a You-Tube channel; I think it is a great addition and follows the desire of Jesus Christ that we tell His story around the world - anyone can attend anywhere in the world. 

Glory to Ukraine. May she be free once again when the Russian army goes home. May the Russians also be free of the nazi dictatorship that currently is destroying their country.

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