Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Nice to be amazed at 77

I am amazed to learn that it is possible to port my husband's phone number back to its original location as our home phone. He ported it to his wireless years ago and now I just have to investigate if I can port it back again - not likely myself as not as easy as porting your number from zoomer to rogers for sure. I wanted everything in one place and it very nearly is. Losing the number means a lot of work and possibly lost calls. Not being a telephone person it is perhaps amazing for me to say "lost calls" but my daughter doesn't want to lose any of his possible calls on his Kipp lines. Getting interested perhaps; no ideas on that and do not push it because their youth was spent in grave yards and repositories and they could not really get keen on genealogy. It is something you acquire and I suspect accidentally for most of us. Mine being generated by my cousin George DeKay in 2003 and then the advent of genetic genealogy which is still the main reason that keeps me in the pursuit of my ancestors. 

Not much work done yesterday but perhaps more today. However, I do have a clean basement. Today the main floor and the top floor and then cleaning finished for another week. It is so nice to have it all accomplished in two days - I used to do it in one day but those days are definitely in the past. At 77 one can do so much in a day and then it is necessary to stop and smell the roses so to speak. In my case it is generally to work on the DNA which still intrigues me. I want to get back to phasing my great grandparents and I want to continue revising the Siderfin book. Time escapes me these days. We have had a lovely Christmas though with just the perfect amount of snow for cross country skiing. Great walking as the snow melted and then skiing again when it returns in sufficient quantity. We are still covered with white snow here but not good for skiing - at least not this old person who wouldn't do well on ice or chunks!

Another lovely day and must explore it. Breakfast time soon but first tea time. 

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