Sunday, January 1, 2023

Putin continues to show his ignorance

President Putin continues to live in his little dream world where he gets to attack and attack. The damage to Russia is minimal except for the loss of so many young men; one notes this is not the sons of Putin and his enablers but rather the people of Russia are sending their sons to the slaughter house known as the battlefields of Ukraine which were created by Putin and his enablers. The psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers continue this relentless and sinful campaign against the peoples of Ukraine. The Ukrainians are a people struggling to recover from the starvation tactics of Stalin and the continuing poor treatment as a captured state in the Soviet Union until the bankruptcy of the Soviet Union freed them. They want to be free of the graft that is so common in Russia where only Putin and his enablers are wealthy beyond belief and the bulk of the Russian people continue to be poor. Putin; the world wants no war just you, your enablers and your psychopathic nazi friends - North Korea and Iran - are threatening the world.

Happy New Year to the world that loves peace; these are the people who will help to bring this world to a better place. Improve the chances of the world's populations (all of them) to survive. Solve the Climate Change problem; war is a ridiculous state and one that doesn't belong in this brand new century in a brand new millennium. 

The Blake Newsletter is published, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023, on the website.

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