Sunday, January 29, 2023

This Sunday the Bible Reading is the Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount, perhaps the most important words handed down to us over time other than the New Commandments, is the Bible Reading for today. Church on You-Tube today. I always remember the words from childhood that my grandmother used to say to me - Revenge is mine sayeth the Lord. It isn't for us to judge people beyond civil cases or criminal cases - we must protect society and so we do but the ultimate punishment will be meted out by God. 

Another new member for my H11 study from Eastern Europe and sadly the newsletter which should come out on the 1st of February looking once again at the subclades of H11 will not be published. I await Russia getting out of Ukraine before I will publish it once again. The Ukrainians and likely all the states that border Russia or are close to Russia do not have time for such frivolity. When one speaks of fear; look to Eastern Europe which spent over fifty years under the boot of the Soviet Union. There is no peace for them until Russia gets out of Ukraine - holding an illegal referendum without the presence of the United Nations does not alter boundaries. Get out of Ukraine Russia. Death to the invaders. Glory to Ukraine. 

I did not do very much on the Siderfin book yesterday. I did have a look at Savage's Hundred of Carhampton and it was interesting to see that James Sanders somewhat organized his book on the Siderfin family in a similar fashion to the organization of that book. Being a JP he perhaps had access to some documents that aided his initial forays into the Siderfin family and a trip to London for whatever reason would have let him into documents held there although I suspect that he would have had to meander through great quantities of paperwork to find items. My first trip to Kew in 2008 was remarkably different from my second and third trips to Kew. The first time I received large boxes of material to find items that I wanted. The second time often enough it had been refiled and organized on a finer scale and the third time the speed with which documents were delivered had increased quite substantially making my visit there the most fruitful perhaps as I managed to get through my entire list of 200 items. On-line is rapidly becoming the method of access to this ancient documents. It is wonderful I am thinking. My unrolling these ancient documents so that I could photograph them was a fearful thing for me - these documents, some of them dating back into the 1400s, were our history and I certainly did not want to leave any trace of my having handled them. 

Today I shall perhaps have a look at the fiche for the Minehead parish registers. Perhaps I will purchase more parish registers on this area if they are not on one of the databases that I use. Either that or I could join The Genealogist. Must think about that. I already have several thousand fiche for various parish registers in the areas which interest me. Probably it would be faster (and easier on my eyes and pocket) to simply sign up for another database. Must consider that as well today. No rush on that it will be some time before I move on to the 5th generation I suspect. This will be a slow process but very interesting. We traveled through this area in 2008 with my cousin Ivan. It is beautiful country full of small towns and villages. At Beaminster we visited Beaminster St Mary and discovered a memorial for one of Edward's ancient ancestors who lived there. Probably the time before they left England for the American Colonies was not an easy one as they were Dissenters. John Nyle and his wife Joanne Paviot were married 19 Jan 1606 at St Mary Beaminster and their son John was buried at Hancock Cemetery, Quincy, Massachusetts - he was Edward's 9th great grandfather. Most of this part of the trip had been about my Pincombe family but as we traced that path from Weymouth to Bideford we found so many items that were also about Edward's long forgotten American colonials. All of that was lost in his family and rediscovered by Edward through his researching and many many trips to the New England states that we took between the 1960s and right up until our last trip in 2018. He found so much rich history for his family; so many documents that let him relate to those ancient relatives and even places where they lived and churches that they attended. He counted Roger Williams amongst his ancestors amongst other leading theologians of this era. He was surprised to find so many items that were about his families in England as it was so long ago but Dissenters did make their mark in England and are very much part of the history of the British peoples. 

I am late today so must run and do breakfast before Church.

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