Saturday, February 18, 2023

And it rages on

The Bible Reading today brought me back once again in my mind to the illegal and deadly war that Russia has produced in Ukraine. In 2 Peter 1 it is authored likely by St Peter but with the aid of Silvanus:

" Do your best to improve your faith by adding goodness, understanding, self-control, patience, devotion to God, concern for others, and love. If you keep growing in this way, it will show that what you know about our Lord Jesus Christ has made your lives useful and meaningful. But if you don't grow, you are like someone who is nearsighted or blind, and you have forgotten that your past sins are forgiven. "

Russia has been a sinful nation; we overlooked their enforced occupation of Eastern Europe in 1945 because we had just fought a deadly war and we did not want to continue that; we, the so-called west, have more respect for the world and its peoples. The prayers and the hopes (and my child mind recalls the Berlin Airlift because my brothers were pretending to be airplanes flying into Berlin running around the living room (I was three years of age and it is one of my earliest memories likely because it was such a tense time in the world in 1948)) were that we could have peace and so we settled for what happened as the allies closed in on Berlin and ended the war in Europe. As the years passed we tried to get along with Russia and when the Soviet Union fell apart (because Russia invaded Afghanistan and became bankrupt from doing that) we simply stood by as the Iron Curtain, created by Russia as the overlord of the Soviet Union collapsed, and helped those countries that claimed their independence once again to become free and sovereign States as accepted by the United Nations. We all tried to get along with Russia; including Russia in trade agreements and companies tried to help Russia to make better use of their natural resources - it was Russians oligarchs who became rich on the backs of the hard working Russians; no gain for the Russian people. Then Russia threw all of that away and attacked Ukraine demanding that they become a vassal state of Russia for ridiculous reasons that make no sense when the history of the world is examined. Russians are the nazis, psychopathic nazis who have invaded a sovereign country and continue their murderous war against the children, women and men of Ukraine. Russia has created this war. We continue to help Ukraine because that is what we in the so-called West do; we help people to throw off a nazi, psychopathic leader and his enablers.

Glory to Ukraine. Death to the invading Russians. 

Continuing prayers for the peoples of Turkey and Syria as they deal with the earthquake's over 45,000 deaths and continuing to rise. People still being found alive under the rubble thank God. 

I continue working on my Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter. I am happy with the first and second generation at North Molton but do have two outliers as timewise they are in that space of years when the Pincombe family was at North Molton (and South Molton) only  - namely   Philip Pynkeham on the 1544 Subsidy at Tawstocke and Richard Pencombe on the 1544 Subsidy at Bideford. They are at an age to be related to the third generation of Pencombe coming down from the Unknown Pencombe who arrived at North Molton with Lord de la Zouch according to the Visitation of Devon 1620. Lord de la Zouch being John LaZouche, 7th Baron Zouche, 8th Bar St Maur. The time period is the early part of the reign of Henry VII and a more exact date could be when the King removed the attainder and he was restored to some of his property in 1489. 

A George Pincombe is named as a grandson of William (East Buckland, Filleigh) and son of William (son of William and Emmott (Snow) Pincombe ( by the earlier researchers)). I did note surprisingly that there was a court case with a George and Dorothy Pincombe  - Litigation (1603-1625) - C 2/Jas1/P9/46 and the location for this particular case involved land in the parish of Dunster, Somerset. Since Pincombe is a fairly rare surname in Somerset in the 1600s that rather caught my eye.  George and his wife were buried at North Molton in 1610 the case with them involved would have carried on into their children's generation (Philip 1592, Emott 1594, William 1597, Johane 1599, Henrye 1602). There is a Henry Pincombe at South Molton on the Protestation Return in 1641 and a Philip Pincombe at Satterleigh. 

I do have the children of William and Emmotte (Snow) Pincombe as John, William, Symon, Richard, Thomas, Lewis, Peter, Johane and Katherin which does differ from the earlier Chart 1-2 (this from the Will of William Pincombe (PCC will probated 1602).  

The problem remains that William in his will of 1602 mentions his grandchildren but does not mention the two children of William his son (their baptisms are missing but they were baptized before 1602). I shall go back to the original once again and make sure I did not miss anything in my transcription. John the eldest (he married first so was making him the eldest) is mentioned with three children (William, John and Mary), Richard fourth son (and my ancestor) is mentioned with one son William. Although I have John as the eldest I do note that William is the first son mentioned in the will (he married four years after John). John is not mentioned until the end when William and John along with a neighbour Anthony Widlake are named as overseers and William's wife Emmott as executor. It has always been a confusion the Chart with the will. William could have already received his portion in terms of land. More research to really straighten out the said sons of William (George and William).

On to breakfast and the day. It was minus 16 degrees celsius so back to very cold winter once again.  

Came back and corrected the earlier paragraph about George Pincombe. Eyes getting tired I guess and it now reads as it should. The earlier researchers placed George as a grandson of William (East Buckland, Filleigh).

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