Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Another day of snow removal or not

Although I pay a company to clear the laneway and walks, sometimes I am still stuck with removing snow especially after the city cuts away the huge snowbank at the front of my house. Unfortunately I am on a slight curve and always end up with a stack blocking my laneway partially. Yesterday I shoved it to one side and today I discovered that it was all cleared away by the company (I can see their tracks in my laneway). Great job! I would like to just hibernate for the winter and buy enough groceries to do me from Christmas until Easter to be honest but not a really practical idea since I like fresh milk. I am thinking though of a method that might work. I could order in my groceries and then it doesn't matter if I can get the car in or out.  The joys of being old for sure. 

Today is the beginning of my last week of dedicated time on the Siderfin book. Next week I start working on the Pincombe Newsletter. This week I want to finish assembling the census from 1841 to 1911 (and will glance at 1921 but not ready to pay for looking at all that data - must save my pennies (or nickles these days the penny has become archaic - amazing in my lifetime really). Just as an aside I could take twenty five cents to the corner store when I was a child and buy a quart of milk and a loaf of bread. That didn't happen often as the fourth child in a family of seven I wasn't very often sent to the corner store to do anything like that - but on occasion and in my memory. That shows inflation for sure and when we were first married $15 a week bought our groceries and we ate quite well although I am a person that makes everything from basics which does keep the cost down somewhat. Plus I tend to eat the same things day after day - I should get bored I suppose and sometimes I see something interesting that I add to that repertoire. Edward took over the cooking in the late 1990s because I went back to work and I am not the hero type - I do expect everyone to pitch in and help me although I also paid my children to do that. My daughter tells me that is one of my strongest features of autism is my habit of eating the same thing every day - day in and day out. Interesting actually. 

So today is census. Yesterday I checked and I did not do the 1911 census for Siderfin so will extract that today. Given that different spellings have been something I have explored much more since the time period I last worked on Siderfin I will also check out unusual spellings just so that I do not miss anyone. 

Prayers continuing for the peoples of Turkey and Syria as they rush to save those buried in the rubble (over 11,000 people confirmed dead) - the timeline is short especially as they are experiencing below zero temperatures. A new born pulled from the rubble is amazing and I hope the child survived through the night.  Children are always the hope of the future and seeing so many perish is sad.

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