Friday, February 3, 2023

Another progressive day on the Siderfin Book

Occasionally I have moments when I wonder why I ever took on the revising of the Siderfin book but principally it was for the same reason that I wrote the Profile for the Pincombe family in the Westminster Delaware History Book. I did know the history and I should do it just to help out and of course that arm twister - George DeKay said your cousin thinks that your grandfather had a grocery store on Wharncliffe Road; that was my grandfather's son and I knew that my uncle would want me to get it right. He was like that. Sometimes I think I am like that but in reality I just live my life as quietly as possible and out of the limelight. That is my way and I intend to succeed in remaining that way to the end of my days. I like my hermit life and I do best in that hermit life. My illness long ago left me with that one handicap and I do cater to it in order to manage my living more so now when I am older. When I was younger it was not as easy to manage that and I was still heavily under the influence of those around me. But now at 77 those around me are much fewer in number which is sad; it is always sad to see people pass on when they are young and I do see the 60s now as young. 

But back to the Siderfin book. I worked on a few possibilities yesterday and have managed to eliminate all of them and so forward I go today once again trying to  manage the fourth generation of Siderfin. The amount of information available is limited and in bad shape - the parish registers of Luxborough actually look eaten but deterioration for the beginning pages of books is not unusual from that time period I guess. Not being an expert I just have to look at from the view of an amateur in the restoration and maintenance of books. Fortunately the name is a long one and made even longer with added d's and y replacing i - it does tend to stand out where it occurs if that is at all possible. 

I have been toying with the idea of pulling all the census of the Siderfin family in the English census records and working both down and back in the family line. I do have my own line back to John married to Thomasine but it is not as complete as it could be I suspect. The years that have passed, over a dozen, since I let my cousin take over the one-name study have rendered that memory somewhat mute although it is in my historical memory better known as my blog but not enough details sometimes. I could do afternoons on census extraction and keep my mornings for intensive thought and drawing out what evidence there is for the Siderfin family in the 1600s and 1700s. That does sound like a plan and I think I will put it into place. It might also keep my imagination under control wondering about the what ifs!

It is cold here today minus 25 degrees celsius but the sky is so clear and the sunrise is golden in the east.  In the East we still have a war raging on and on in Ukraine which the Russians started. It is amazing to see them relate the enormous sacrifice that was made by the Russian people at Stalingrad. It is an insult to them. Russia has illegally sought a war because they want to steal Ukrainian land; Russia has become the Nazis of this era murdering children, women and men in their ruthless desire to subjugate the Ukrainian people. The psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers continue to lie to the Russian people. We must help the Ukrainians to have peace; to be part of Europe if they so desire. Peter the Great wanted Russia to be like France; enlightened and well educated not being reduced to serfs once again to serve Nazi masters Putin and his enablers. Rise up O Russia and cast off these Nazi overlords Putin and his enablers. Have your brand of democracy and live your lives; Do not let them send your sons to die on the Ukrainian battlefields that the psychopathic Nazis Putin and his enablers have created. Glory to Ukraine. Death to the Nazi Russian invaders.

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