Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Cleaning day accomplished

Prayers for the peoples of Turkey and Syria that more people will be saved from the rubble caused by the earthquakes. The world cares and is sending people to help. Please Russia stop bombing Ukraine; you are unsettling the earth and creating repercussions - I know we have earthquakes around the world but bombing is such an unsettling happening when it is concentrated in such a small area of the earth. There are more than 5000 people dead already and so many many trapped. We need the quiet to be there to keep anymore shifting from happening. Nazi Russians are murders!

Monday cleaning day completed and on to the basement. I do like this new routine of going from top to bottom and then bottom to top. It does save hauling that vacuum up two flights of stairs. 

Not much work done on Siderfin yesterday but slowly working my way through everything. I have a lot of series of old documents for Somerset that I had put aside years ago because I stopped working on the Siderfin one-name study. I still have not taken it on at the Guild because Blake and Pincombe are more than enough. I have many ancient documents for both that I need to work on eventually once I have finished the Siderfin book. I still do not see the light at the end of the tunnel for that book but I can see a process which is a step in the right direction. Sort of like a chemistry experiment; gather up all the tools, supplies, and paperwork from the past and then move forward towards completion. It is a logical progression to do any of these things but unlike a chemistry experiment I can work backwards as well and that is something that I will look at today - making sure I have all the census from 1911 back to 1841 that exists for the known Siderfin family in England. Many of them emigrated to the United States and Australia/New Zealand and the ones in the US are again easy to find on the census but Australia and New Zealand do not maintain their census databases so I would have to search other documents and not likely happening. It has to be relatively easy for me to do that or it will not get done by me but the nice thing about a book especially an online one is that anyone can pick up the challenge and move on it in the future. 

The balloon still in the newsfeed but really if one just thinks about it if a balloon is wayward and not controllable then the best thing is to bring it down in an area where no damage is done and the coast of the Atlantic was a great choice. No shipping was damaged and it is out of the flight paths which could also be a big problem. Better to just bring it down and save the hassle. But really the balloon should have had a flight path - we are much too modern a world to have things flying about at random. It is dangerous to navigation. Perhaps it is something the United Nations would like to consider. For me, the United Nations has always been the way to go for the world to survive. In my Grade 13 I was selected to be part of a United Nations Assembly in my hometown. It was a marvelous experience and formed in my mind the opinion that for our world to best survive we need to have a place to talk. The United States has provided that space ever since the end of the Second World War. And they should be thanked for doing so; they have allowed people on their soil that they do not support but yet they do it so that the United Nations can be just that. Thank you America!

I wish God would interfere in the war that Russia started when they invaded Ukraine. But I know that what is written is written and God no longer walks and talks with man; we are on our own and if  Armageddon is chosen for us then that is it. God will take revenge on those who have sinned against him and mankind and caused the fall of the world he created. He will be merciless towards those sinners. From the depth of my being I believe that. Glory to Ukraine in the days ahead and death to the invaders. 

A beautiful sunny day today although still cold but it is winter in Canada and spring is two months away for us. On to breakfast and the rest of the cleaning.

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