Saturday, February 4, 2023

Historical summary of the events that precede war in any form it would appear

I am mostly absorbed in very distant history but I suddenly realized something this morning as I am eating my breakfast. Before WWII erupted we had a very difficult time in the Western Hemisphere. The Great Depression held us in its grip for a number of years with both the United States and Canada having a very very difficult time - people were starving to death in the Prairies - life was pretty grim. I have all those stories from my mother talking about people begging for food.  It was a very hard time. We took our eyes off of the world for a bit and didn't see the turmoil that was being created in China and in Europe as well as one would have wished in retrospect. I do not know the entire history of the depression although I am left to think that the collapse of Wall Street and the American Banking System had a play in all of it plus the lack of rain interestingly enough. Advantage was taken of those catastrophes although we did eventually see what was happening and aid came to the  countries fighting the new terror - the Nazis - the three Axis powers who linked together to conquer the world and were made to grovel in the dirt at the end whether it was by suicide or public hanging by their own people or massive destruction of a country to stop the wars. 

Bring us forward to 2008 and again trouble in the economic world and the now dictator Putin with an adoring Russia behind him attacks Georgia taking a page out of the Nazi rule book - distraction by the democracies would let him have what he wanted he figured. Bring it forward again to 2014 and the world still struggling and Nazi psychopathic Putin takes Crimea with an illegal referendum and then again to 2022 and we are just coming out of an horrific pandemic (the source of which is still a very interesting topic of discussion) that lasted more than two years (and we are still there) and that same land stealing psychopathic Nazi Putin attacks Ukraine. Should we look at this from the viewpoint that seamy underground things are happening which create these catastrophic events? One wonders (after all Russia had a lot of money stashed around the world). The world watched smiling dictators before in the 1920s and 1930s and then their attempts to rule the world. Will China be a leader and go for freedom of the peoples of the world? One wonders.

The human existence craves freedom and when pressed will fight for it  and the conquerors come to grief and death and dreadful results for their countries. Let the world live and be happy. We have much bigger problems with the environment and errant asteroids.

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