Monday, February 27, 2023

Lent Without Borders

I receive in my Inbox every morning from the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund an email with guided thoughts each morning and this Email is labeled "Lent without borders + an individual who writes their thoughts or shares an approach to their own discipline." Today it is Dr Evrard Nahimana a physician from Rwanda.  He speaks about "being in the House of yes," in his case "a life-affirming approach to health care and life in general that confronts the challenges we face and seeks healing, empowerment and a way forward." For me I am in the House of yes that says we must help Ukraine and in that House I will stay until the last Russian invader has left Ukraine (it is the crisis of this generation). There are questions to reflect and pray about and for those receiving these moving thoughts during Lent, I have found the words very important to my thoughts on how the world should move - definitely in peace not war. Our striving for excellent should be in the athletic endeavours of those so inclined or in economics for those so inclined but not in throwing bombs or shooting wars - that is definitely archaic and probably damaging to Mother Earth. The earthquakes do trouble me and we should do all that we can to minimize the disruptions to Mother Earth that are created by our human existence. Accidents do happen in our world but we must always be trying to prevent them.

Today is cleaning day and tomorrow. The rigorous routine that I have set in place for my daily living is nothing more than following the word of God really. He tells us to maintain our life, maintain ourselves and help where we can. At 77, I am limited in what I can do and what I am able to do but it is important to try to do more than nothing. 

I will continue working away on the BMBs for the Siderfin family. Now that I have extracted all that I can find in the three databases for original records (must contemplate subscribing to The Genealogist - checked this out but they do not have a lot of material on Somerset which is what I need at the moment; as I move on perhaps I will find this database also helpful) and will now try to merge the Census Data with the BMBs for the individuals first found in the Census of 1841. Gradually moving backwards in time towards the 1600s which are difficult given the presence of the Commonwealth under Cromwell for a period of time when not all the records were recorded in the Parish Registers. There are outliers in the family that need to be brought back into their correct family lines. 

As well now that I have the 1524-7 Devon Lay Subsidy I will review every parish recorded to extract the different surnames that are of interest to me. Yesterday I got through two of the Hundreds where I found mostly nothing although did note the presence of the Snowe family and the Vicary family. East Budleigh and Colyton Hundreds are complete. It is a good project that I can just pick up anytime for periods of time on a random basis as it does not require any theoretical thinking just extraction of a known list of names. 

The snow continues and we expect a snow storm tomorrow. The heavy snows come in March generally and they are needed to help saturate the earth for spring. The routine of Mother Nature is so very important to all the world. 

Breakfast soon but first a little time on the Axminster Hundred before starting the cleaning.

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