Saturday, February 4, 2023

Minus 31 degrees celsius

Been there before but it has been a while I think. Minus 31 degrees celsius is pretty cold with windchills above minus 40 degrees celsius. The snow is fine and flaky because it is so cold. You can watch the piles shrink at this temperature although they still look very large. 

Good question though is being asked. Why is there a surveillance balloon over Canada and the United States. We are a peaceful people no matter what the Russians say. Canada has never invaded another country and it is unlikely that we ever will. We are just not that sort of people. We welcomed the United Nations at the end of World War II because that is the place to hash out differences. Invading other countries in this modern 21st century is just archaic and childish - like a two year old - I want it and if I can not have it I will break it or blow it up or whatever. War is foolish and ignorant and generally destroys the one who creates it whether sanctions are brought against it or whatever. Countries that go on that tangent generally end up weeping because no one likes war; no one wants war. It disrupts commerce and kills the youth even if you do what Russia is doing and sending the youth from their country that is primarily the minority groups that cause them trouble. So why is there a balloon over our countries; is it just an accident. Why don't they bring it back to their airspace? Why don't they ask us to bring it down to solve that problem of it being there. An apology isn't quite good enough given the friendship of China with Russia. A better act on China's part would be to actually tell Russia to get out of Ukraine. The rather much repeated comment by China that Russia is afraid of NATO is pretty weak considering that NATO has not made one move against Russia in this past year (we are capable of bombing them back to the Stone Age but we are not  ignorant; the world is here for all of us); Ukraine is doing all the fighting - a David and Goliath story for sure. But pretty disgusting considering all the children Russia has killed in Ukraine, all the women and all the men.

Like we helped China when they were invaded by Japan and helped Russia when they were invaded by the Nazis in the last century we are helping Ukraine being invaded by the Russian Nazis; that is what we do; we help people. We do not attack them and we in the Western Hemisphere are tired of these wars of aggression. Stay home Russia; give your people a better life and stop attacking countries. This is a new century; let it be a pretty century with lots of happiness around the world and let us start worrying more about the environment or we will not have a world to worry about. Go home Russia; get out of Ukraine and that includes the Crimea. No one honours your referendums; they are not run by the United Nations. We will never accept the results. Go home; stop killing off the Russian people you do not want by using them as cannon fodder. Go home Nazi Russians back to Russia you are the Nazis of the 21st century. You insult the brave defenders of Stalingrad.

Lots of work done yesterday on the Siderfin book. Generation four is at a point where I will now move on to Generation five. There are a lot of details in four that need to be clarified and the next generation will help that. Pulling out the land records that involved Thomas Siderfin JP proved to be a good step forward and brought into focus some of the Siderfin entries on the 1642 Subsidy. So Generation 5 later today and I will also start working on the census coming back from 1921 although I will not publish anything later than 1911 just to protect the privacy of people. It will be interesting working back from 1911 (I already do have a lot of that work done) towards the early 1800s and with the 5th generation I will actually have some events occurring  that are in the early 1700s. The task begins to look even more doable. Unfortunately a lot of James Sanders' material is being overwhelmed by new material but that is the way forward always. 

Another cold day but gradually warming up. Keeping the house at 20 or 19 degrees celsius works well for me although the difference between minus 31 and plus 20 is just over 50 degrees. Going outside is a chilly affair as I noticed when I picked up the recycling bins that I had put out in that extreme cold earlier in the day. One must be well bundled up. 

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