Sunday, February 26, 2023

Moving forward and looking back

Sunday, Lent 1 and it is a time of moving forward and looking back. I tend to concentrate more on the moving forward but Lent does have us look back over the life of Jesus as we approach slowly but surely Passion Sunday, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday and gloriously Easter Sunday. We are lucky, we descendants of those early Christians as they would become known, we know that Easter Sunday always follows in that order. I can not imagine what life was like on those days leading up to Easter Sunday; our lives are so very different but yet the same in some ways. The same days of the week; the same need to get up every day and go to work and resting on the Sabbath. Putting on our best clothes for Sunday. Eating with family. There is so much the same and yet different. For many of us, myself included, the world has been, more or less, at peace since 1945 - localized war but not a war that consumed that entire world like World War II did. Some escaped but not completely - you couldn't go anywhere; life was curtailed much like the years of the COVID-19 pandemic except not the same as a war. 

The Nazi Psychopathic Putin does have it wrong though. We do not seek to attack Russia; we just want Russia to get out of Ukraine. The people of Ukraine want to be Ukrainian not Russian. There have been people at Ukraina longer than there have been people in Russia. They are one of the oldest Homo sapiens populations in the world because they were an Ice Retreat during the last glacial maximum otherwise known as the Last Great Ice Age.  Sheltered from the ravages of the Ice Age; people prospered enough to leave as the Ice retreated and bared the land once again so that life could go on. Any suffering that Russia feels is of their own creation. They attacked Ukraine. Rest assured though there will come a time when we will forgive Russia as a country but not the Nazi Psychopathic Putin and his enablers. We know who they are now; they were all there digitally preserved for all time on Television and shown to the world. The Nazi Psychopathic Putin and his enablers are destroying Russia; destroying the life blood of Russia in a useless war that Russia started and could end today; now; immediately at this moment in time. Get out of Ukraine and the war is done. Friends are not made by attacking them; slaves will always seek freedom. Glory to Ukraine. Death to the Invaders.

Yesterday I completed the census for Siderfin in terms of the easy extraction of the material. There will be people to look for and families headed by female Siderfin lines as I have not found all of them. I will attempt to bring them into the early 1900s as well. My Siderfin line goes back to my 3x great grandmother Elizabeth (Betty) Siderfin baptized 19 Jun 1759 at Wootton Courtney, Somerset and married to John Rew 30 Jan 1792 at Selworthy, Somerset. It was George DeKay who sent me on that trail of the ancestors to help produce an accurate Profile of the Pincombe Family who emigrated to Westminster Township in the late 1840s it was thought by the descendants. Although for years I had resisted becoming immersed in genealogy, I let him eventually persuade me to do the Profile. Although it did take a bit of arm twisting for sure. I knew that genealogy was a long pursuit as I had watched my husband hunt for his 2x great grandfather Isaac Kipp's parents. What kept me at it was DNA for sure; I have always been fascinated by DNA since my childhood when the first discoveries on DNA were published. 

DNA, both human and other, still retains that ethereal logical flow of life that began eons ago somewhere in the cosmos when God decided to create and so we are here still where life sometimes seems to hang by a thread because of Nazi Psychopaths like Putin and Hitler before him as they attack the so-called World Order. The reality is that there isn't a World Order, in our present age, just eight billion people trying to live and work and raise their families on Mother Earth. Whatever proves to be a workable situation evolves; whatever doesn't collapses into anarchy. It is a tenuous relationship and one that must be guarded and protected from Nazi Psychopaths as they have proven to be man's worst enemies. If you want to have a smooth running country then look to the system that best captures the life style of the people. Although I am not a Liberal; I have supported them these past ten years with no regrets. I prefer the logical Conservative but they no longer exist in great numbers; the times have given us social Conservatives trying to dictate people's lives and Homo sapiens yearns for freedom within controls that protect us. Some allow for more controls; others for less but the rule of law must prevail. We see what has happened in Ukraine attacked by Russia. Absolute destruction and murder. Helping Ukraine is a human response. Glory to Ukraine. Death to the Russian invaders.

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