Thursday, February 2, 2023

Moving forward with the research

 I published the Kipp Newsletter yesterday as planned and regretfully no H11 Newsletter which is saddening. My daughter suggested that I do write them up and then can send them when Russia finally leaves Ukraine in peace. That is the one section of the United Nations Charter that is so very important. The sanctity of the borders is guaranteed unless a referendum is held that is overseen by non-biased observers preferably set up by the United Nations. That did not happen in Ukraine; it was a farce with Russia trying to steal land which we tend to refer to as Nazi tactics. So no part of traditional Ukraine is Russian including the Crimea which they stole in 2014 - it is all Ukraine. Go home Russia; take better care of your people and stop wasting the young lives on the battlefields that Russia created in Ukraine. That being said I will spend time creating the Newsletters so that they are ready to go when Russia leaves Ukraine. Not only does Russia kill the children of Ukraine and the women and the  men but they also destroy the peace that had descended on our world for the most part. This is as bad as the First and Second World Wars except it is in a much smaller area. I am sure that we all regret helping Russia now so much in the Second World War; we helped them to turn the tide and gain the victory much quicker. I know that they were heroic in their fight but they needed our help. They are showing themselves to be not people of the world but selfish land stealing psychopathic Nazis and no better than the invaders to their land in the 1940s. We of course had visions of that when Stalin made his non-aggression pact with Hitler in 1939 which Hitler broke because that is what Nazis do. But we helped them none the less because it was the right thing to do at that time.

The Siderfin book again today as I work on the Fourth Generation. I think I have all the known children from that generation. There is just one that I am unsure about and that is John baptized in 1630 son of James. James does not appear on any Protestation Returns that I have seen to date but only 1/3 of the Protestation Returns for Somerset are extant. I will continue to watch for this line but suspect like the other members in group 4 line will be very difficult to trace down (as three of them are female lines I do not tend to trace them down anyway because it is a surname project but on the other hand the intent of the book was to try and trace them down to a certain extent so will try to follow with that in mind. 

I am slowly gathering up all the information and will have to work away at how to display it. I am mostly in favour of taking each line separately and adding in the details about that generation following the actual information on the children of that generation and so have four sections to the Fourth generation - it sounds cumbersome but subtitles will make it easier to follow likely and that will give me a style to follow on into the following generations. As it turns out in some of the generations the number of children was actually small considering the time frame - just two children in each of the different lines so may prove to be quite practical. For the most part this family continues to stay in the same general area in this generation and we will see how the fifth generation flows. Now that I have settled into it I can see this will take some time because I am adding in new information and changing the style of organization that James Sanders used in his presentation. It will be more of a generational presentation which is fairly common in family books. When I first read James Sander' book I found it to be most interesting with all the miscellaneous details but I am much older now (that was fifteen years ago amazingly and a different time - pre COVID) and do see the value in the methodology used in most family books of going by generation. This just happens to be a family with a lot of interesting background story in the 1500s/1600s/1700s/1800s and then a much quieter 1900s and 2000s. 

We are into a warming trend as it is just minus 10 degrees celsius at 6:30 a.m. but the weekend promises minus 25 degrees celsius. It is cold in Canada and much colder further north. The Inuit have lived in the north for thousands of years and gradually the areas in the north are becoming populated. My life style fits in pretty much anywhere - I just work away for most of the day and it doesn't matter where I live except I do love Canada with its ice and snow and its lovely summers - the spring mud is tantalizing but I stay inside through the worst of it and the fall is beautiful but cold waiting for the snow to once again settle over our land. 

The Bible Readings have been very interesting as always but sometimes they just seem so pertinent to life as we are living it. On this day so many many years ago Jesus was brought to the temple and presented to the Lord. Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus then return home to Nazareth in Galilee. It was a waiting time way back then as the Messiah grew up in a wonderful family home. I often think how wonderful life is in this century for many as wars have been left behind (except for Russia trying to steal land in Ukraine) and we are trying to solve the problems created by industrialization. We must move together as one in the world for it to survive and be there for the children and grandchildren of the future. Go home Russia and stop destroying Ukraine and killing its children, women and men and the environment with all of your bombing.

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