Saturday, February 18, 2023

The mystery of George Pincombe (d 1610)

 Perhaps this is a good time to try and sort out George Pincombe and his named brother (on the original Chart 1-2).  William Pincombe was rather well known in this time frame. This William married Temperance Pollard according to the earlier Chart (Chart 1-2 North Molton and South Molton). Fortunately this William left a will probated 17 Dec 1625. The will states that William is of South Molton. His wife is Temperance. He mentions his son William and brothers John Pincombe and Richard Pincombe. He does not mention a brother George but he is deceased; however there were five children and at least two survived at this time in South Molton - Philip and Henrye.

Going to the 1620 Visitation of Devon is helpful as the William Pincombe who married Temperance Pollard is identified as William the son of William Pyncombe and the daughter of .... Snowe (known in the will of William as Emmotte (Snowe) Pyncombe. William is identified as being of Southmolton and East Buckland - a Coroner 14 or 15 years and aged 54 years in 1620 (so born circa 1566). Since this William (married to Temperance Pollard) has two brothers John and Richard that fits very neatly into the tree.I know more about Richard than any of the siblings from the marriage of William Pincombe and Emmotte (Snowe) Pincombe. Richard married Anne (unknown) and they had two children Anne who was buried 3 Mar 1598/99 at Bishops Nympton and William baptized 23 Mar 1599/1600 at Bishops Nympton and buried 30 Jan 1654 at Bishops Nympton. Richard married a second time 11 Nov 1603 Bishops Nympton Francis Gill baptized 15 Oct 1567 at Bishops Nympton and this couple had three children John baptized 9 Dec 1604 Bishops Nympton, Kathern baptized 16 Oct 1607 at Bishops Nympton and Mary baptized 14 Mar 1610 at Bishops Nympton. 

Richard's date of birth is not known. The baptisms begin in 1539 in North Molton. Richard does not appear on any Subsidy including the 1581 so he is not likely 20 years of age in 1581 leaving one with a birth in 1560 or later for him. His father died in 1602 old enough to be a grandfather for his fourth son Richard's son William whom he mentions. He marries before 1598 because his daughter is buried at the end of 1598. His grandmother Johane Pencombe (wife of Thomas) mentions grandchildren when she says my son John Pencombe's daughter who was baptized 5 Jun 1561 at North Molton. The second child for John was baptized after the date of the will. She also mentions another grandchild John Jasse the younger. When she mentions her son William she does not mention any grandchildren so one is left to assume that all of his children were born after 7 May 1563 (date of will). Richard was the fourth son (there were also two daughters) but he is probably born around six years after his eldest brother. If he was the eldest and born in 1564, William was born circa 1566 according to the Visitation, Symon would have been born in 1568 and then Richard was born perhaps 1570 and he is married in 1598. The linchpin is William since we know his year of birth. Since William is at South Molton and East Buckland I would think he was the eldest son and that John was younger say born circa 1568, Symon born circa 1570 and Richard born circa 1572 which still works well for his marriage by 1598. That rather settles the children of William and Emmotte (Snowe) Pincombe.

Back to contemplating George Pincombe. At Roborough by Torrington there is a George Pencombe baptized Mar 1588. He is the son of a John Pincombe.

The children baptized at Roborough by Torrington with John Pincombe as father:

Honor Pencombe baptized 25 Nov 1585

George Pencombe baptized Mar 1588 

Jasper Pencombe baptized 25 Mar 1590

Abraham Pencombe baptized 7 Apr 1595

Henri Pencombe baptized 25 Mar 1597

Of course this George is too young to be the George baptizing children at North Molton in the 1590s. So it was interesting to look at this but does not help with George on Chart 1-2 at North Molton and South Molton. Clearly we can see that William named as George's brother and both sons of William son of William and Emmotte (Snow) Pincombe is not correct and I have made the revision.

It is good that I have still quite a bit of time. The second project I should be able to accomplish in one to two days. But gradually Chart 1 is coming together. I am contemplating though how to display it. Right now in an Excel file landscape display it is three pages wide and two pages deep. I want to be able to place the chart into the Newsletter so must consider options. Perhaps just the first two generations which are at North Molton for the most part with John the eldest son at South Molton. I could call it Chart 1 still but label first two generations. That would then give me leeway to have a Chart 2 that is North Molton and then Chart 3 as South Molton. I believe that I will be adding in more charts in order to make this work in a newsletter. However, the idea was nice to use the original numbering scheme. I will think about that.

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