Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Nazi Psychopathic Putin lives in an illusion

Definitely one could tell the Nazi Psychopathic Putin  that we have no interest in Russia; we do not do trade with Russia we do not permit Russians to have a Visa to come here although have welcomed the people who have requested asylum. We have no desire to see Russia break up into little pieces. We just want Russia to get out of Ukraine as quickly as is possible. I am sure the Russian troops would love to go back home where it is warm, where they have fresh clothes and good food. The troops, if permitted, would not stay any longer than they are forced to do so. We keep telling you Nazi Psychopathic Putin and your adherents that we have no interest in Russia beyond wanting Russia to get out of Ukraine. Once you have left Ukraine and have proven yourselves trustworthy not to attack other countries then we can think about Russia as a nation instead of a Nazi attack machine. But at the moment we do not think about you other than we want you to get out of Ukraine which you illegally attacked and are now busy killing Ukrainians who have done  nothing to you. You have no excuse for attacking Ukraine; they are a free and independent country. Glory to Ukraine. Death to the Invaders.

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