Monday, February 20, 2023

The value of routine

Flexibility versus routine is really the way most people live I think but I can always be corrected on that. I prefer routine not so much because I need routine in my life but more so that I can accomplish as much as is possible in a day. I think it comes from being in a large family. Watching my mother accomplish looking after nine people was phenomenal and she did it by being organized. On the other hand a very good friend of mine from childhood (when I was about eight years of age I actually did make friends on occasion) was an only child and her family was extremely organized so probably not because of size but rather of type. Some people are simply organizers; it makes the day easier to contemplate at least for them. For others the blank slate is appealing and just add in what you want to do. 

As usual President Biden continues to amaze as he, at 80 years of age, makes a trip to Kiev today to stand with the Ukrainian people. He is phenomenal and a credit to his people. Not everyone voted for him but one has to admire his tenacity going into a war zone at 80 years of age. Hats off to President Biden who has shown true respect for democracy and its principles. Interesting where the Security Council meeting was held in Europe at Munich. It has an historical ring to it and from that Conference once again we emerge with strong support for little Ukraine facing a monster. They want to be free to choose their friends and their allies especially now that Russia has attacked them even after they agreed not to be part of the Europe they desired to be. A lesson could have been learned by the Nazi Psychopathic Putin and his enablers by reading Stalin's reaction to being attacked by the Nazis during World War II; he was shocked but his reaction was to fight and not keel over which is exactly what happened when Russia attacked Ukraine; the Ukraine people stood for their rights just as they fought back in World War II. When Nazi Psychopaths take over a government and silence their people in opposition and that ruthlessness increases daily against their own people and against the ones they attempt to subjugate. It knows no boundaries; no human boundaries; it is just sinful and horrendous and unending. They have to be smashed into the ground and the ruthless Nazi Psychopaths have to be locked up so they can do no more damage to the country that they are using namely Russia and the people they are attacking. But the hands of NATO are still tied and we do not do what really needs to be done because we are civilized God-fearing and God-loving people. These Nazi Psycopaths are not; they are just greedy and their greed is endless. 

A balloon over the Pacific today and the worry again about air navigation. Very disrespectful to the world to fly balloons which can not be controlled accurately like an airplane and have no planned flight path to warn the pilots of their presence. The traffic in the air is much too heavy to have such items just fly about. We are a modern world now attempting to clean up the effects of industrialization; everyone needs to help.

On to cleaning for the day is young yet and I have a great deal to accomplish.

I have contemplated; examined and reviewed all of the material available to me thus far on Pencombe at North Molton/South Molton and with the Subsidy of 1524-7 I believe I am safe in saying that the original Pencombe who came with Lord de la Zouch to North Molton likely in 1489, when the attainder against Lord de la Zouch had been suspended and a portion of his lands returned to him, was John Pencombe at North Molton found beside his son Thomas where the goods belonging to John amount to 5 and the wages of Thomas were 1. A likely father/son relationship and just because the eldest son John of this John Pencombe is listed with goods valued at 10 likely means he has married someone whose property has enhanced his value. The other son William also at North Molton has a goods value of  2. This does appear to let us see an order to these three sons mentioned on the Visitation of Devon 1620 as John, William and Thomas. The 5th Pencombe on the 1524-27 Subsidy also at South Molton has a goods value of 5 and that is Christopher Pencombe. It is difficult to know for sure how Christopher fits in but the Visitation of Devon 1620 shows Christopher to be a grandson of the first Pencombe at North Molton and it is possible that he has, as eldest son, inherited property at a young age. I do not have Bideford for this Subsidy and it would be interesting to know if there are any Pencombes there in the 1524-7 Subsidy. When I photographed the pages of this 1524-7 Subsidy book by Stoate in 2013 I missed Bideford. 

All in all a successful contemplation time and I have created a chart of the first three generations for the next Newsletter. 

On to Breakfast.

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